Sayfadaki görseller

the Ogilvie Bursary, the Commissioners directed that a copy thereof should be transmitted to Mrs. Ramsay, in order that she may have another opportunity of offering to the Commissioners any explanations which she might think proper in regard to the subject. Ramsay Mortifications in Marischal College.-There having been read a letter from the Secretary of Marischal College, in regard to the manner in which the Funds belonging to the Mortifications for the Professorship of Oriental Languages, and for the Ramsay Bursaries in that College, are secured, the Commissioners directed that an application should be made to Mr. Crombie, Aberdeen, in order to ascertain the present situation of these funds.

Constitutions of the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, and Aberdeen.-The Commissioners having also resumed the consideration of the existing Constitutions of the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, and the proposed united one of Aberdeen,-Resolved, That the following should be the scheme for each, respectively, to be submitted to His Majesty :

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3. For King's College, and Marischal College, Aberdeen, when united into
one University.

That the Chancellor should be elected for life by the Senatus Academicus, consisting of the
Principal and Professors.

That there should be a University Court, to consist of

1. A Rector, not being a Principal or a Professor of any University, to be chosen by the Principal and Professors and the Matriculated Students, according to the mode adopted in Marischal College, and also by the graduates of both the present Universities at Aberdeen, who have received degrees since 1825, and by the graduates of the United University.

2. The Principal.

3. An Assessor, nominated by the Chancellor,

4. An Assessor, nominated by the Rector,

Neither of these two Assessors being a Prin-
cipal or a Professor of any University.

5. And an Assessor, nominated by the Senatus Academicus, who may be a Professor of the University.

Three to be a quorum.

The above Officers and Courts in the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, and Aberdeen,
to possess the same powers, and to be under the same regulations, as those detailed in the
scheme proposed for the constitution of the University of Edinburgh, with this exception,
that the Officers of the University Court are to be chosen for four years only.
The University Courts of St. Andrews, Aberdeen, and Glasgow, to have the exclusive power
of disposing of all Surplus Revenue and Funds, beyond what is appropriated to specific
objects; and that in those Colleges in which it has been the practice to divide the whole
revenue, after certain fixed deductions, among the Principal and Professors as their Sala-
ries, the average of the said divisible Revenue for the last three years shall henceforth be
the fund for the Salaries of the Principal and Professors, and any sum accumulated beyond
this shall be at the disposal of the University Court.

Extract from Resolutions of the Commissioners respecting the religious opinions
of the Professors and Principals of Universities and Colleges.
Resolved,-4. That without compromising or abridging the powers, whatever they may be,
of the Church to exercise superintendence over all Professors in any of the Universities,
under the existing laws of Scotland, in regard to the religious opinions they may dis-
seminate, it ought to be an indispensable qualification in every Professor of Theology,
including the Professor of Hebrew or Oriental Languages, that he shall be an ordained
Minister of the Established Church of Scotland; and that, in case any such Professor
in the faculty of Theology shall, by any lawful proceeding in the Church Courts, be
deposed from the office of the holy ministry, or shall be suspended in the exercise
thereof, on account of heretical doctrine, whether taught in the University, or otherwise
promulgated, or on account of any other ecclesiastical cause,-such sentence of the
Church Court ought, ipso facto, to infer a deprivation of his office, or a suspension of
his functions, as a Professor in the University: and that the same rule ought to apply
to the Principal, except in the special case of a layman being Principal of Marischal
College, Aberdeen, as authorized by the charters, such suspension taking effect from
the intimation of the sentence of the Church Court to the Senatus Academicus of the
University, and such deposition by a sentence of the University Court, proceeding on
the sentence of the Church Court.

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"And they resolved, That a Law ought to be established for carrying these several Resolutions into effect."

Universities and Colleges, Scotland.

Extracts from the

and Proceedings.

16 January 1830.

3. Ramsay Mortifications in Marischal College.-An Answer from Mr. Crombie, Aberdeen, 6 February 1830. stating that the sum mortified by Dr. Ramsay was £4,800; of this £500 was for endowing a school in the parish of Birse, £500 for the poor of that parish, 1,000 for a Professorship of Oriental Languages, and £2,800 for Bursars of Divinity and Philosophy in Marischal College. That the sum of £800 is secured over lands in the neighbourhood of Arbroath for behoof of the Mortification, the interest of which had been regularly paid :-That the remaining £4,000, which had formerly been heritably secured, had been paid up at Martinmas 1828, to the Trustees of Sir A. Ramsay, whose affairs were then under trust :-That the Trustees were very desirous of reinvesting the money on herit

to take care to prevent all similar misappropriations of th other endowment connected with that College.

3 September 1830. Reports relative to the Universities.-The Solicitor-General, from the examine the reports respecting the different Universities and table drafts of Reports relative to the Universities and Colleg deen, and Edinburgh, which were ordered to lie on the table f Graduates and Students.-Returns of the Number of Graduates and Universities for 1826-7, 1827-8, 1828-9, and 1829-30, in con merly made to the Commissioners, were presented, and ordere

14 October 1830.




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Professor Forbes.

Papers presented

Professor McPherson (Sub-Principal).


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Professor Paul.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Expulsion from College.-A Memorial from Mr. James Duncan Gellie, Student, complaining of his having been expelled from King's College. College ordered to answer the


Leys Bursars.-Petition of Sir Robert Burnett, Bart., and relative Papers, in regard to the Leys Bursars, read.-(Adjourned.)

University of

Minutes and Proceedings.

17 September 1827.

King's College, Aberdeen, 18th September 1827. 18 September 1827.


Professor Dauney.


The Earl of ABERDEEN in the Chair.

Professor Bannerman.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Hutcheon, Factor.

,, Edmond, Clerk.

Professor Paul, Curator of Library.
The Commissioners inspected the College Buildings.-(Adjourned.)

Marischal College, Aberdeen, 19th September 1827. 19 September 1827.

Papers presented—

Professorship of Divinity.-A Memorial from the Magistrates of Aberdeen, in regard to
the Professorship of Divinity in Marischal College, read.

Medical School.-A Petition from the Medical Students of Aberdeen, in regard to the
Medical School there, read. (Printed.)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Library.-A Return of the Total Number of Books at present amissing from the Libraries of King's and Marischal Colleges, distinguishing the number amissing as at 7th October, 1825. (Returns not printed.)—(Adjourned.)

Marischal College, Aberdeen, 20th September 1827. 20 September 1827.

The Earl of ABERDEEN in the Chair.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

[University of Aberdeen. Minutes and Proceedings.

20 September 1827.

21 September 1827.

Leys Bursars.-The Commissioners having considered the Petition of Sir Robert Bur-
nett, Bart., and Answers thereto from King's College, and Replies from Sir Robert
Burnett, are of opinion, that although the Petition relates to a matter which may
be regarded, in one view, as the administration of College Property, and subject
to their jurisdiction, yet, as it also involves a question of civil right, on which the
Commissioners are not competent to pronounce any final and conclusive adjudication,
it is necessary for Sir Robert Burnett to resort to a court of law, in order to determine
the import and effect of the Contract and Deed of Mortification in 1648, and the
extent of the interest which the Principal and Professors may have patrimonially in
the Surplus Revenue arising from the lands mortified by that deed.
Mr. Gellie's Memorial.-The Commissioners having also under consideration the Me-
morial of James Duncan Gellie, with the Answers thereto from King's College, find
it unnecessary to give any deliverance upon the Memorial, as it is competent for him
to appeal to the higher University authorities.
College Buildings.-The Commissioners inspected the College Buildings.-(Adjourned.)
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 21st September 1827.


The Earl of ABERDEEN in the Chair.

Freedom of the City.-The Magistrates of Aberdeen presented, in their Town-Hall, the
Freedom of the City to all the Commissioners, excepting the Duke of Gordon, the
Earl of Aberdeen, and the Lord Advocate, who had received it formerly.

Paper presented

Election of Chancellor and Rector.-A Memorial of Alexander Kilgour, regarding the right of the Graduates of Marischal College to vote at the Election of Chancellor and Rector.

Examination.-Professor Glennie (farther).

Mrs. Blackwell's Will.-The Commissioners having had under their consideration the Will of Mrs. Blackwell, of date 18th May, 1793, and the Minute of the Faculty of Marischal College of Aberdeen, of date 11th November, 1793 (see Extract of Minute at end of Professor Glennie's Evidence), deem it to be necessary to intimate to the Principal and Professors of the said College, that as doubts may be entertained in regard to the institution of a Professorship by virtue of the said Will and abovementioned Minute, and of the right of the Principal and Professors to nominate to the said Professorship, they are of opinion, that in the event of any vacancy occurring in the said Professorship, the said Principal and Professors ought, as they are hereby required and ordained, to intimate the same to the Members of the Royal Commission of Visitation, if the Commission shall then be in force.


Accounts of King's and Marischal Colleges.-A Return, containing the particulars of the whole Receipts and Expenditure of King's and Marischal Colleges, for the years 1775, 1800, and 1824, of which Abstracts have been already transmitted to the Commission.-(Return not printed.)

Also, a Copy of the Procuration-Account and Rental of the King's College for the period from Michaelmas 1700, to Michaelmas 1702, made up by Mr. Frazer.-(Return not printed.)

(Visitation ended.)






Aberdeen, Monday, 17 September 1827.

The Earl of ABERDEEN in the Chair.

The Very Reverend William Jack, D.D., called in and examined.

You are Principal of this College ?—I am.

Have you seen the Returns made by the Senatus, to the Questions of the Commissioners ? -I have.

Do you agree in the statements contained in those Returns, or is there any part of them from which you dissent?—I concur in all that is stated.

Have you any suggestions to make in your individual capacity, which you think calculated to promote the welfare of the University in any respect, either as to the teaching or discipline?-1 think many improvements may be introduced.

Have you any specific measures to recommend for that object?—I cannot say that I am prepared to state all the improvements wanted; or to suggest specific measures. On each particular head, as it arises, I shall be happy if my opinions only coincide with the enlightened views of the Honourable Commissioners.

Do you at present possess and exercise all the powers and privileges which are vested in you by the Charter Foundation as Principal?-Not with the responsibility and to the extent that would be for the interest of the College.

In what respect do you consider your situation different from that which was contemplated by the Founder?—I conceive that the Founder granted ample powers to the Principal and Professors, to deliberate and decide (in the first instance) upon all subjects connected with the College affairs.

Do you not possess those powers now?-If unanimous, the powers of the Principal and Professors were great. If they differed among themselves, so as to create a College dispute, the question was to be referred to the Chancellor and Rector for their decision, which alone was final.

Do you possess the powers and privileges, as the Principal, in the College, which it was intended by the Founder you should, according to the Charter of the Foundation?-I apprehend the Principal does possess all the powers conferred on him by the Foundation Charter, but may not exercise them; all power in the University and College being assumed by the persons forming a majority for the time, and calling themselves the Senatus Academicus. What control and superintendence do you exercise in the College?-The duties of the Principal are, to watch or keep guard over the statutes and laws of the Institution; to see that all do their duty aright; that the students be regular in their attendance, and moral in their conduct; to inspect the Library, the Museum, and the Experimental Room, and the apparatus belonging to the Mathematical, Astronomical, and Chemical departments, auditing the accounts of the same; to attend to the preservation and repair of the College buildings, and to regulate expenditure on the repair of Professors' houses; to superintend the collection and management of the College revenue, funds, and property, and audit the accounts; to exercise a like superintendence over the Mortification funds and property; to keep in safe custody the charters, vouchers, accounts, and other valuable documents belonging to the College or to the Mortifications; to insure justice being done in the distribution of bursaries and the assignment of prizes; to be present at all public examinations; to call College meetings, and preside at the same; to receive communications, and reply to all inquiries respecting the Institution or its affairs; to notify vacancies, and admit to certain offices; to open and close the session with prayer; announce the laws, admonish, exhort, and reprove, as occasion requires; to head the Senatus Academicus on public occasions; to be the vehicle of communication between that body, or any of its members, and the superior officers of the University, in College affairs. The Principal promotes to degrees in Divinity.

Do you, in point of fact, exercise all those duties, or have any of them fallen into disuse?
-Not as I could wish; i. e. with efficiency and power.

Which of those duties, which you consider to belong to your situation, do you not now
exercise?—I think the most important of those is that of admitter. The encroachments
on the power of the admitter is perhaps the greatest defect in this University.

To what offices do you admit ?-The Principal admits the three Regents, the Chancellor of the University, the superior Officers.

Has there been any interference with your power in that respect ?—I was interdicted by an order of the Court of Session in the year 1815.

No. IV.


University of

King's College.

Principal Jack.

17 September 1827.

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