Sayfadaki görseller



Rot. Parl.-Rotuli Parliamentorum, or Rolls of Parliament, printed by the House of Lords.

Lords' J.-Lords' Journals.

Com. J.-Commons' Journals.

Lords' S. O. No. 1, &c.-Lords' Standing Orders, as collected and published.

Com. S. O. No. 1, &c.-The Commons' published Standing Orders relating to Private Bills. 1843.

Hats.-Hatsell's Precedents; edition of 1818.

Hans. Parl. Hist.-Hansard's Parliamentary History.

Hans. Deb.-Hansard's Parliamentary Debates.

Parl. Rep. or Sess. Paper, 1843 (180); refers to the Sessional Number by which any Parliamentary Report or Paper is distinguished.

The number preceding the reference invariably refers to the volume, and the figures which follow it denote the page, except where it is otherwise designated; as in the Standing Orders of the two Houses, which are distinguished by separate numbers.

All other works are either named at length, or the abbreviations are so partial as to require no explanation.

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