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brought, and which might now be finally decided by the house of lords of either kingdom, shall from and after the union be finally decided by the house of lords of the united kingdom; and provided, that from and after the union there shall remain in Ireland an instance Court of Admiralty, for the determination of causes, civil, and maritime only, and that all laws at present in force in either kingdom, which shall be contrary to any of the provisions which may be enacted by any act for carrying this article into effect, be from and after the Union repealed.

Resolved, 20. That for the same purpose it would be fit to propose, that his majesty's subjects of Great Britain and Ireland shall, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing as to encouragement and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either kingdom, respectively and generally in respect of trade aud navigation, in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that in all treaties made by his majesty, his heirs, and successors, with any foreign power, his majesty's subjects of Ireland shall have same the privileges, and be on the same footing as his majesty's subjects of Great Britain.

Resolved, 21. That from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, all prohibitious and bounties on the export of articles the growth or manufacture of either country to the other, shall cease and determine; and that the said articles, shall thenceforth be exported from one country to the other without any duty or bounty on such export.

Resolved, 22. That all articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of either kingdom, not herein-after enumerated as subject to specific duties, shall from henceforth be imported into each country from the other free of duty, other than such countervailing duty as shall be annexed to e

several articles contained in the Schedule No. I.; and that the articles herein-after enumerated shall be subject for the period of twenty years from the Union, on importation into each country from the other, to the duties specified in the Schedule No. 2, annexed to this article,

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And that the woollen manufacture shall pay on importation into each country, the duties now payable on importation into Ireland; salt and hops on importation into Ireland; duties not exceeding those which are now paid in Ireland; and coals on importation to be subject to burdens not exceeding those to which they are now subject,

That callicoes and muslins be subject and liable to the duties now payable on the same, until the fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eight; and from and after the said day, the said duties shall be annually reduced in such proportions, and at such periods as shall hereafter be enacted, so as that the said duties shall stand at ten per cent, from and after the fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, until the fifth day of January, which shall be in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty one; and that cotton yarn, and cotton

vist shall also be subject and liable to the duties now payable upon the same, until the fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eight, and from and after the said day, the said duties shall be annually reduced at such times, and in such proportions, as shall be hereafter enacted so as that all duties shall cease on the said articles from and after the fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.

Resolved, 23. That any articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country, which are or may be subject to internal duty, or to duty on the materials of which they are composed, may be made subject on their importation into each country respectively, from the other, to such countervailing duty as shall appear to be just and reasonable in respect to such internal duty or duties on the materials; and that for the said purposes the articles specified in the said Schedule No. 1. should upon importation into Ireland, be subject to the duty which shall be set forth therein, liable to be taken off, diminished or increased in the manner herein specified; and that upon the like export of the like articles from each country to the other respectively, a drawback shall be given equal in amount to the countervailing duty, payable on the articles herein before specified, on the import into the same country with the other; and that in like manner, in future, it shall be competent to the united parliament to impose any new or additional countervailing duties, or to take off, or diminish such existing countervailing duties as may appear on like principles to be just and reasonable, in respect of any future, or additional, internal duty on any article of the growth or manufacture, of either country, or of any new additional duty on any materials of which such articles may be composed, or any abatement of the same; and that when any such new or additional countervailing duty, shall be so imposed on the import of any article into either country from the other, a

drawback equal in amount to such countervailing duty, shall be given in like manner on the export of every such article respectively from the same country.

Resolved, 24. That all articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of either kingdom, when exported through the other, shall in all cases exported, subject to the same charges as if they had been exported directly from the country of which they were the growth, produce, or manufacture.

Resolved, 25. That all duty charged on the import of foreign or colonial goods into either country, shall, on their export to the other, be either drawn back, or the amount, if any be retained, shall be placed to the credit of the country to which they shall be so exported, so long as the general expences of the empire shall be defrayed by proportional contributions. Provided nothing herein shall extend to take away any duty, bounty or prohibition which exists with respect to corn, meal, malt, flour, and biscuit, but that the same may be regulated, varied or repeated, from time to time, as the united parliament shall deem expedient.


Of the articles to be charged with countervailing duties upon importation from Great Britin into Ireland, according to the sixth article of union.

Articles to be charged with countervailing duty in Ireland.

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Of the articles charged with the duties specified upon importation into Great Britain and Ireland, respectively, according to the sixth article of the Union.

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Tin plates, wrought iron, and Paper, stained

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An Act for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland.

Whereas in pursuance of his majesty's most gracious declaration to the two houses of parliament in Great Britain and Ireland, respectively, to consider of such measures as might best tend to strengthen and consolidate the connexion between the two kingdoms, the two houses of the parliament of Great Britain, and the two houses of the parliament of Ireland, have severally agreed and resolved, that, in order

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