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for our children! Are Ritualists papists in disguise, I ask you, with their abominable priesthood? I would remind you that this is only a doctrine of Mother Church, for even Rome, by the mouth of Cardinal Cajetan, acknowledges "that nowhere in the Gospel is it said that bread is changed into the body of Christ," but only that it is a spiritual food, and done in remembrance of our Saviour.

Q. 64. What is then, that which is seen and tasted in the Eucharist?

A. The things seen and tasted are the accidents only of Bread and Wine; there is the savour, colour and quantity of bread and wine, without any of their substance; but under those accidents there is only the Body and Blood of Christ.

Q. 68. What is the Mass? A. In the sacrifice of the Mass, the same Christ is contained, and unbloodily offered, Who bloodily offered Himself upon the Altar of the Cross.

"At the words, 'This is My Body,' remember that your Saviour comes down and is really present, Body, Soul, and Godhead, under the sacramental veils of Bread and Wine on the Altar. Bow down your body and soul before Him, and worship Him saying, 'I adore thee, O Body of my Lord Jesus Christ, once crucified for me, and now daily sacrificed on Thine altar,'" and "I adore Thee, O Blood of Jesus, poured forth for me upon the Cross!"-Prayer Book for the Young, pp. 127-9.

"The Divine Service has many


1. The Sacrament of the altar, because of the place where it is celebrated.

2. The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ; because of the presence of our Saviour's Body and Blood on the Altar in this service.

3. The Eucharist; because it is an offering of thanks and praise to God.

4. THE MASS; either because of the words with which the people are in some countries sent away at the end of the service or because it is the Christian Sacrifice.

5. The Lord's Supper; because in it we eat the Flesh of Christ and drink His Blood.

6. The Holy Communion;

* Cajet. in Aquin., 3 par, Q. 75, Art. 1; Roman Catechism, by Don. Rev. J. BELL, p. 75.

Q. 69. Of what virtue is the sacrifice in the Mass?

A. It is truly a propitiatory sacrifice, and is available not only for the sins, punishments and satisfactions of the living, but also for those of the souls in Purgatory.

because in it we are made one with Christ, and Christ with us.

7. The Liturgy; because it is the Service that God gave, and in which His priests minister."Plain Guide, pp. 70-71.

"In the sacrifice of the Eucharist, we offer according to Christ's command His Body and Blood to His Father, which is no new sacrifice, but the one sacrifice of the Cross, continued in an unbloody manner, and applied to the members of His Church as occasion requires." Prayer Book for the Young, p. 79.


"Direction of the intention.I desire to offer It with all the love and contrition whereof I am capable, in conformity with those sacred intentions wherewith our Saviour instituted, and our Holy Mother the Church ever offers It. I desire then to offer It:

1. To the glory of Thy Holy Name.

2. In acknowledgment of Thy dominion over me and over all Thy creatures.

3. In memory of the Passion of our Saviour Christ.

4. In thanksgiving for all the benefits ever bestowed upon Thy

[blocks in formation]

Q. 70. Is this necessary to be believed?

A. Yes: and whosoever denies any of this is accursed, and incapable of salvation.

beseech thee, O Lord, to grant unto them and unto all who rest in Christ, a place of refreshment, of light and peace."-Ibid., p.


"Public worship is of two kinds, obligatory and voluntary. Obligatory worship is that which is enjoined by the commandments of God or the precept of the Church, and which we cannot neglect WITHOUT SIN. There is only one service of universal obligation_in_the_Churchthe service of the Holy Communion." -Prayer Book for the Young, P. 75.

"Christians who shall be condemned will be speechless when the just Judge shall upbraid them with their folly in having involved themselves in eternal death, since it was so easy to have maintained themselves in spiritual life and health by feeding on His Body which He left them for this end." -Devout Life of Frances de Sales, translated and adapted for the English Church, p. 79.

Holy Communion is at some churches almost always termed the Mass, and persons worship indiscriminately at either the Ritualist or Roman Catholic Church.

Q. 71. May the priest communicate alone, though there be none besides to communicate?

A. Yes, the Church of Rome doth approve and command solitary Masses and accounts them a Communion; partly because the people do spiritually communicate in it, and partly because it is celebrated by a public minister, not only for himself, but also for the people.

A method of assisting at the Mass for hearers is given in Vade Mecum, p. 17, before referred to, and such forms are given in most Ritualistic works.

The communion by the priest alone is advocated in many Ritualist churches, and one is taught to attend for an act of adoration only. It is in the writer's own knowledge that at a church in Brighton some persons presenting themselves

at High Celebration (in ignorance of the custom of that church) were reluctantly communicated, and after the service, requested to enter the vestry to be severely reprimanded, with a covert threat that in a like offence it would not be administered to them. How this clergyman and his infallible Church can reconcile Christ's words, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" (Matt. xi. 28) with such a doctrine as the above Mother Church does not pretend to say, nor how she can reconcile its illegality. Dogmatism and sacerdotalism pronounce a dictum, that no matter how one yearns for Christ's life-giving "Body and Blood," no matter if one comes from a distance, at the whim of a priest the blessing shall not be bestowed if one should happen to arrive at a High Celebration! Shame, shame on a free English people, to submit to be ruled by men who know well they would not as a rule obtain their present power, did they not arrogate to themselves a divine right!

Q. 73. What are the cere

monies used in the Mass?

A. The ceremonies in the Mass respect either things, actions, or words; among the things are garments, places, time, vessels, cloths, incense, lights, etc.

Q. 74. What are the garments used by the priest in the Mass, and what is their signification?

A. 1. The amice, or white veil, which he puts over his head signifies mystically, either the Divinity of Christ covered under His humanity, or the crown of thorns; and, morally, contemplation or hope. In putting it on he saith, "Put on, O Lord, the helmet of salvation upon my head, that I may overcome all diabolical temptations."

2. The alb, or long white garment, signifies mystically the white robe put on our Saviour; and, morally, faith and innocency. In

An explanation of all these articles is found in The Churchman's Guide to Faith and Piety, part II., p. 117, J. MASTERS; and again in a report of the Kilburn Branch of the English Church Union, published on February Ist, 1885, in the Gazette of that body. To quote fully would go beyond the limits of this work.

"Moreover without vestments blessed by the Bishop or other fit person let none venture to celebrate. Of the altar, let the linen cloths and the corporals, as also the chalice and paten, be blessed. Of the clergy, the amice, alb, girdle, stole, maniple, and chasuble or tunicle."-Service of the Church according to the Use of Sarum, p. 324.

"It (the Alb) is an emblem of the purity with which priests should officiate at the altar; and also represents the white robe with which Herod clothed our Lord in mockery. The Girdle signifies the cords with which

putting it on, he saith "Make me white, O Lord, and cleanse my heart, that being whitened in the Blood of the Lamb, I may enjoy everlasting gladness."

3. The girdle signifies mystically the cords wherewith our Saviour was bound; and morally (being turned up on both sides) the two means to preserve chastity, viz. fasting and prayer. When he puts it about him he prays, "Gird me, O Lord, with the girdle of purity, and quench in my loins the humour of lust, that there may remain in me the virtue of continency and chastity." The like account is given of the maniple, vestment, and stole, and of the divers colours of the furniture used in the several seasons, in the Manual of the Poor Man's Devotion, Chap. of the Ornaments of the Mass.- Roman Catechism with a Reply thereto by Don Rev. J. BELL, published by RIVINGTON.

He was bound, and is also an emblem of the unsullied chastity and purity with which the priest should be invested." Then follows a similar description of the stole, chasuble, cope, and dalmatic, with prayers during the arraying of the priest in the stole, tunic, and cope.-Churchman's Guide to Faith and Piety, pp. 121-3.

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