Ego, Hunger, and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and MethodG. Allen and Unwin Limited, 1947 - 273 sayfa |
Contents PAGE | 12 |
Differential Thinking | 13 |
Psychological Approach | 25 |
Telif Hakkı | |
25 diğer bölüm gösterilmiyor
Diğer baskılar - Tümünü görüntüle
Ego, Hunger, and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and Method Frederick S. Perls Metin Parçacığı görünümü - 1947 |
Ego, Hunger and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and Method Frederick S. Perls Metin Parçacığı görünümü - 1966 |
Ego, Hunger and Aggression: A Revision of Freud's Theory and Method Frederick S. Perls Metin Parçacığı görünümü - 1992 |
Sık kullanılan terimler ve kelime öbekleri
achieved activity aggression anal analyst anxiety anxiety attack assimilation association psychology attitude avoid aware become behaviour biological castration complex cathexis child completely concentration conception confluence conscience conscious constipation cure day-dreams death instinct defaecation demands differentiation difficult disgust disturbing dream dummy Ego-boundaries Ego-functions embarrassment emotional endgain energy example excitement existence experience expression fact faeces fear feel figure-background Freud function genital gestalt gestalt psychology gratification hanging-on bite holism hunger instinct identification inhibited insomnia instance interest introjection libido means whereby melancholia mental mind motoric muscles neurasthenia neurosis neurotic nirvana object obsessional obsessional neurosis opposite oral organism organismic balance oxygen paranoic paranoid character pathological patient personality phantasy phenomenon picture present projected psycho-analysis psychological reality realize repressed resistance retroflection scotomization self-consciousness sensations sense sex instinct sexual stammering subvocal Super-Ego symptom theory things thinking Unconscious unfinished situations unpleasant urge wish words zero-point