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6. "Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that when the principal of the debt, bearing interest in India, shall have been reduced to the sum of ten mil

charges and expences of raising and main- [ments respectively to be made half-yearly. taining the forces, as well European as 4thly, In the reduction of the principal native, artillery and marine, on the esta- of the debt in India, or of the bond debt blishments in India, and of maintaining at home, as the Court of Directors, with the forts and garrisons there, and provid- the approbation of the Board of Commising warlike and naval stores.2dly, In sioners, shall from time to time direct. the payment of the interest accruing on the debts owing, or which may hereafter be incurred by the said Company in India. -3dly, In defraying the civil and commercial establishments at the several set-lions of pounds sterling, calculated at the tlements there.-4thly, That the whole or any part of any surplus that may remain of the above described rents, revenues, and profits, after providing for the several appropriations, and defraying the several charges before-mentioned, shall be applied to the provision of the Company's investment in India, in remittances to China for the provision of investments there, or towards the liquidation of debts in India, or such other purposes as the Court of Directors, with the approbation of the Board of Commissioners, shall from time to time direct.

exchange of 2s. the Bengal current rupee; 8s. the Madras pagoda; and 2s. 3d. the Bombay rupee, and the bonded debt in England shall have been reduced to the sum of three millions of pounds sterling; then and thereafter the surplus proceeds which shall be found to arise from the revenues of India, and the profits upon the trade, after providing for the payments aforesaid, shall be applied to the more speedy repayment of the capital of any public funds or securities which have been, or may be created for the use of the said Company, the charges of which have been, or may be directed to be borne by the said Company, in virtue of any act or acts of parliament; and that any further surplus that may arise shall be set apart, and from time to time paid into the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer, to be applied as parliament shall direct, without any interest to be paid to the Company, in respect or for the use thereof, but never

"Provided always, that the appropriation aforesaid, shall not extend, or be construed to extend, to prejudice or affect the undoubted sovereignty of the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in and over the said territorial acquisitions, nor to preclude the said United Company from the enjoyment of, or claim to any rights of property they now have, or to which they may hereafter be enti-theless to be considered and declared as tled, within the territories aforesaid.

an effectual security to the said Company, 5. "Resolved, That it is the opinion of for the capital stock of the said Company, this Committee, that the receipts into the and for the dividend of 10 per cent. per Company's treasury in England, from the annum, in respect thereof, not exceeding proceeds of the sales of their goods, and the sum of twelve millions of pounds from the profits arising from private and sterling; and that of the excess of such privileged trade, or in any other manner, payments, if any, beyond the said amount shall be applied and disposed of as fol- of twelve millions, one sixth part shall, lows:First, in payment of bills of ex- from time to time, be reserved and rechange already accepted by the Com-tained by the said Company for their own pany, as the same shall become due. use and benefit, and the remaining five2dly, For the current payment of debts sixths shall be deemed and declared the (the principal of the bond debt in Eng-property of the public, and at the disland always excepted) as well as interest, posal of parliament. and the commercial charges and expences "Provided also, that if the Company's of the said Company.-3dly, In payment debts in India, after the same shall have of a dividend of ten pounds per cent. on been reduced to 10,000,000l. sterling, shall the present, or any future amount of the be again increased beyond the amount, or capital stock of the said Company; also if their bond debt in England, after the in the payment of a further dividend of same shall have been reduced to 3,000,000%. ten shillings per cent. upon such capital shall be again increased beyond that sum, stock, after the separate fund upon which then, and so often as either of these cases the same was originally charged by the shall happen, the surplus proceeds shall 124th clause of the 33d Geo. 3, cap. 52, be appropriated to the reduction of such shall have been exhausted; the said pay-new debts respectively, until the debts in

India shall be again reduced to 10,000,000l. | ficers, civil and military, or increasing sterling, and the bond debt in England to the same, or creating any new establish3,000,000l. sterling. ments at home, in such manner as may effectually protect the funds of the said Company.

7. "Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the said Company shall direct and order their books of account, at their several presidencies and settlements in India, at their factory in China, at the island of Saint Helena, or elsewhere, and also in England, to be so kept and arranged, as that the same shall contain and exhibit the receipts, disbursements, debts, and assets appertaining to, or connected with, the territorial, political, and commercial branches of their affairs; and that the same shall be made up in such manner, that the said books shall contain and exhibit the accounts of the territorial and political departments separately and distinctly from such as appertain to, or are connected with, the commercial branch of their affairs; and that the arrangement of accounts so to be made shall be submitted to the approbation and sanction of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India.

8. "Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that it is expedient that ships built within the British territories in the East Indies, and employed in the commerce between India and the United Kingdom, should, during the present war, and for eighteen months after the conclusion thereof, be permitted to import any goods, wares, or merchandize, the produce or manufacture of any countries within the limits of the East India Company's charter, except as aforesaid, or to export any goods, wares, or merchandize from the United Kingdom to the British settlements in the East Indies, or to any of the places within the said limits, in the same manner as ships British-built, and duly registered as such; and that, after the expiration of the period above-mentioned, the said India-built ships should be liable to such other provisions as parliament may from time to time enact, for the further increase and encouragement of shipping and navigation; and that effectual provision should be made, at the charge of the owners and commanders of such ships, for the maintenance, while in the United Kingdom, of the Asiatic sailors employed in the navigation, and for the return of such sailors to their native country,

9. "Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that it is expedient to make provision for further limiting the granting of gratuities and pensions to of(VOL. XXVI.)

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10. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that all vacancies happening in the office of governor general of Fort William, in Bengal, or of governor of either of the Company's presidencies or settlements of Fort St. George or Bombay, or of governor of the forts and garrisons of Fort William, Fort St. George, or Bombay, or of commander in chief of all the forces in India, or of any provincial commander in chief of the forces there, shall continue to be filled up and supplied by the Court of Directors of the said United Company, subject nevertheless to the approbation of his Majesty, to be signified in writing under his royal sign manual, countersigned by the president of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India.

11. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the number of his Majesty's troops in India to be in future maintained by the said Company, be limited; and that any augmentation of force exceeding the number so to be limited shall, unless employed at the express requisition of the said Company, be at the public charge.

12. "Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that it is expedient that the Church establishment in the British territories in the East Indies should be placed under the superintendence of a Bishop and three Archdeacons, and that adequate provision should be made, from the territorial revenues of India, for their maintenance.

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13. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that it is the duty of this country to promote the interest and hap piness of the native inhabitants of the British dominions in India, and that such measures ought to be adopted, as may tend to the introduction among them of useful knowledge, and of religious and moral improvement. That, in the furtherance of the above objects, sufficient facilities shall be afforded by law, to persons desirous of going to, and remaining in India for the purpose of accomplishing those benevolent designs.

"Provided always, that the authority of the local governments respecting the intercourse of Europeans with the interior of the country, be preserved, and that the (20)

principles of the British government, on which the natives of India have hitherto relied for the free exercise of their religion, be inviolably maintained.

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14. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that it is expedient, that the statutes and regulations framed, or to be framed by the Court of Directors, for the good goverment of the college established by the East India Company, in the county of Hertford, and of the military seminary of the said Company, in the county of Kent, as well as the establishment of offices connected therewith, or the appointment of persons to fill such offices, be subject to the controul and regulation of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India; and that the power and authority of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, shall be construed to extend to the issuing or sending orders or instructions to the Court of Directors, for the purpose of their being transmitted to India, respecting the rules and regulations and establishments of the respective colleges at Calcutta and Fort St. George, or any other seminaries which may be hereafter established under the authority of the local governments.

"Provided always, that no writer shall be appointed into the service of the said Company at any of the presidencies of Fort William, Fort St. George, and Bombay, who shall not have received a course of instruction at the said college of Hertford."

Ordered, That the Report be taken into further consideration upon Friday.


Friday, June 11.

TREATY WITH SWEDEN.] The Earl of Liverpool said, he presented, by order of his royal hignesss the Prince Regent, a copy of the Treaty of Concert and Subsidy, between this country and Sweden; and he proposed that the same should be taken into consideration on Wednesday, for which day he should now move that the Lords be summoned.

The Earl of Lauderdale perceived that much inconvenience would attend the discussion this subject being fixed for Wednesday. Several circumstances rendered it extremely inconvenient to himself, and he was certain it would be equally inconvenient for several other

noble lords. He had another objection to Wednesday, because it was a day never appropriated to such very important subjects as that of this Treaty with Sweden; and it was also a day, which, by their late regulations, was to be considered free from subsequent debate. For these reasons, he trusted the noble earl would have no objection that Thursday might be appointed.

The Earl of Liverpool had no objection. The copy of the Treaty was laid on the table, and it was ordered that the Lords be summoned for Thursday.


VENTILATION OF THE HOUSE.] Earl of Darnley considered it his duty to call their lordships' attention to the state of the atmosphere, and the great inconvenience which consequently arose on any night when the House was crowded on account of a debate. This subject had been several times under consideration, and had particularly been attended to by an individual (sir H. Davy) whom all their lordships could not too much admire for those scientific talents which he possessed. Still he (lord D.) had made more enquiries with respect to a better mode of ventilation than the present, and from the information he had received, he had no doubt but considerable improvement might be made. He believed that the holes which had been made in the floor were very wisely contrived for the purpose, if they had not been made in improper places, and perhaps there was also an impropriety, in admitting by that mode, such a quantity of hot air. For the present he should make no motion on the subject, but would recommend that the fire-place, contrived over the House, should, on the next night of debate, have a large fire in it, and then they would have an opportunity of ascertaining whether it would answer the purpose for which it was planned, namely, that of causing a draught of air in the House through the ventilators at the top, and thus rendering a fresh circulation of air through the building. From the effect, it would be seen, whether it might not be prudent to have more fires of that description, and whether holes for the admission of air might not be made rather in the walls than in their present situation. The noble earl made no motion on the subject; but it was intimated from the House that this experiment might be made.


Friday, June 11.

TREATY WITH SWEDEN.] Lord Castlereagh presented to the House, by command of the Prince Regent, a copy of the TREATY OF CONCERT AND SUBSIDY BETWEEN HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY AND

Sweden, according to stipulations to this effect already existing between the courts of Stockholm and St. Petersburg.

ART. II. The said courts having communicated to his Britannic Majesty the engagements subsisting between them, and having formally demanded his said Majesty's accession thereto, and his Ma

THE KING OF SWEDEN; Signed at jesty the King of Sweden having, by the
Stockholm, March 3, 1813.

In the Name of the Most Holy and Undi

vided Trinity.

stipulations contained in the preceding animates him to contribute also on his Article, given a proof of the desire which part to the success of the common cause; His Majesty the King of the United his Britannic Majesty being desirous in Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, return to give an immediate and unequiand his Majesty the King of Sweden, vocal proof of his resolution to join his inequally animated with the desire of draw- terests to those of Sweden and Russia, ing closer the ties of friendship and good promises and engages by the present intelligence which so happily subsist be- Treaty to accede to the conventions altween them, and penetrated with the ready existing between those two powers, urgent necessity of establishing with each insomuch that his Britannic Majesty will other a close concert for the maintenance not only not oppose any obstacle to the of the independence of the North, and in annexation and union in perpetuity of the order to accelerate the so much wished kingdom of Norway as an integral part, for epocha of a general peace, have agreed to the kingdom of Sweden, but also will to provide for this twofold object by the assist the views of his Majesty the King of present Treaty. For this purpose they Sweden to that effect, either by his good have chosen for their plenipotentiaries, offices, or by employing, if it should be namely, his royal highness the Prince necessary, his naval co-operation in conRegent, in the name and on behalf of his cert with the Swedish or Russian forces. Majesty the King of the United Kingdom It is nevertheless to be understood, that of Great Britain and Ireland, the honour- recourse shall not be had to force for efable Alexander Hope, major-general of fecting the union of Norway to Sweden, his Majesty's armies; and Edward Thorn- unless his Majesty the King of Denmark ton, esq. his envoy extraordinary and mi- shall have previously refused to join the nister plenipotentiary to his Majesty the alliance of the North, upon the conditions King of Sweden; and his Majesty the stipulated in the engagements subsisting King of Sweden, Lawrence count d'En-between the courts of Stockholm and St. gestrom, one of the lords of the kingdom of Sweden, minister of state and for foreign affairs, chancellor of the university of Lund, knight commander of the king's orders, knight of the royal Order of Charles XIII, Great Eagle of the Legion of Honour ART. III. In order to give more effect of France; and Gustavus baron de Wet- to the engagements contracted by his Materstedt, chancellor of the court, com-jesty the King of Sweden in the first Article mander of the Order of the Polar Star, and of the present Treaty, which have for obone of the eighteen of the Swedish Aca-ject direct operations against the comdemy; who, after having exchanged their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :

ART. I. His Majesty the King of Sweden engages to employ a corps of not less than 30,000 men, in a direct operation upon the continent against the common enemies of the two high contracting parties. This army shall act in concert with the Russian troops placed under the command of his royal highness the Prince Royal of

Petersburgh; and his Majesty the King of Sweden engages, that this union shall take place with every possible regard and consideration for the happiness and liberty of the people of Norway.

mon enemies of the two powers, and in order to put his Swedish Majesty in a state to begin without loss of time, and so soon as the season shall permit, the said operations, his Britannic Majesty engages to furnish to his Majesty the King of Sweden, independently of other succours which general circumstances may place at his disposal, for the service of the cam-. paign of the present year, as well as for the equipment, the transport and maintenance of the troops, the sum of One Million

sterling, payable at London monthly, to the agent who shall be authorised by his Swedish Majesty to receive the same, in such manner as not to exceed the payment of two hundred thousand pounds sterling each month, until the whole shall be paid. ART. IV. It is agreed between the high contracting parties, that an advance, of which the amount and the time of payment shall be determined between them, and which is to be deducted from the million before stipulated, shall be made to his Majesty the King of Sweden for the mise en campagne, and for the first march of the troops; the remainder of the before-mentioned succours are to commence from the day of the landing of the Swedish army, as it is stipulated by the two high contracting parties in the first Article of the present Treaty.

The said commodities or merchandise, whether they be of such kind as may be introduced and subject to duty in Sweden, or whether their introduction be prohibited, shall pay without distinction, as duty of entrepot, one per cent. ad valorem, upon entry, and the same upon discharge. As to every other particular relating to this object, the general regulations existing in Sweden shall be conformed to; treating always the subjects of his Britannic Majesty upon the footing of the most favoured nations.

ART. VII. From the day of the signature of the present Treaty, his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and his Majesty the King of Sweden, reciprocally promise not to separate their mutual interests, and particularly those of Sweden which are referred to in the present Treaty, in any negociation whatever with their common enemies.

In faith of which, we the undersigned, in virtue of our full powers, have signed the present Treaty, and have affixed thereto the seals of our arms.

ART. V. The two high contracting parties being desirous of giving a solid and lasting guarantee to their relations, as well political as commercial, his Britannic Ma- ART. VIII. The ratification of the prejesty, animated with a desire to give to his sent Treaty shall be exchanged at Stockally evident proofs of his sincere friend-holm within four weeks, or sooner if ship, consents to cede to his Majesty the possible. King of Sweden, and to his successors to the crown of Sweden, in the order of succession established by his said Majesty, and the states-general of his kingdom, under date the 26th of September, 1810, the possession of Guadaloupe in the West Indies, and to transfer to his Swedish Majesty all the rights of his Britannic Majesty over that island, in so far as his said Majesty actually possesses the same. This colony should be given up to the commissioners of his Majesty the King of Sweden in the course of the month of August in the present year, or three months after the landing of the Swedish troops on the continent; the whole to take place according to the conditions agreed upon between the two high contracting parties, in the separate Article annexed to the present Treaty.

ART. VI. As a reciprocal consequence of what has been stipulated in the precedceding Article, his Majesty the King of Sweden engages to grant, for the space of 20 years, to take date from the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, to the subjects of his Britannic Majesty, the right of entrepot in the ports of Gottenburg, Carlsham, and Stralsund, (whenever this last-mentioned place shall return under the Swedish dominion) for all commodities, productions, or merchandize, whether of Great Britain or of her colonies, laden on board British or Swedish vessels.

Done at Stockholm, the 3d March, in the year of our Lord 1813. ALEXANDER HOPE. (L. S.) EDWARD THORNTON. (L. S.) (L. S.) G. BARON DE Wetterstedt. (L. S.)



As a consequence of the cession made by his Britannic Majesty, in the 5th Article of the Treaty signed this day, of the island of Guadaloupe, his Majesty the King of Sweden engages :


1. Faithfully to fulfil and observe the stipulations of the capitulation of the said island, under date the 5th of February, 1810, so that all the privileges, rights, benefices, and prerogatives, confirmed by that act to the inhabitants of the colony, shall be preserved and maintained.

2. To take for this purpose, previous to the cession before-mentioned, every engagement which may be judged necessary with his Britannic Majesty, and to execute all acts conformable thereto.

3. To grant to the inhabitants of Guadaloupe the same protection and the same

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