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Pope's Succession, shewing that Peter dyed not at Rome, hee disclaimeth them as Apocryphall bookes *.

Ignatius a Greeke Father is cited by Bellarmine for Transubstantiation †: but when hee is produced by us for the Communion in both kinds, he answereth, that Ignatius's Greeke writings are not much to be trusted to,

Cyprian de Cœna Domini is alleadged by Bellarmine for the Sacrifice of the Masse, for Purgatory, for Transubstantiation: but when it is produced by us for the Cup to the lay-people, hee disclaimeth the Sermon to bee Cyprian's.

Abdias his workes are cited by Bellarmine for Monasticall life §: yet elsewhere hee confesseth that the learned of his owne Church, hold the same for counterfet; and for my part (saith hee) Ego nullum, &c. I have had no testimony from him||

Amphilocius his Vita St. Basilij is cited by Bellarmine to proove the Eucharist was given to the sick in one kinde¶ and yet in his Catalogue of Eccle

* Bell, de grat. & lib. arb. I. 5. c. 25. Idem, lib. 2. de Pont.

c. 2.

† Bell, lib. 2, de Euch, ca. 2. initio. Idem, de Euch. lib. 4. c. 26, Resp.

Bell. lib. 3. de Euch. 1. 20. Lib. 2. de Miss. c. 2. Lib. 1. de Purg. c. 6. Bell. lib. 4. de Eucb, c. 26, § Tertius locus (v.) § Bell. lib. 2, de Mon, c. 27.

Ego certe nullum ab eo testimonium petii. Idem, de bonis oper, 1. 2. c. 24,

¶ Bell, lib. 4. de Euch. c. 24.


siasticall Authors, hee pronounceth the same book to be false and counterfet*.

Damasus Pontificall, is cited by Bellarmine for Images, and to proove, that Election of Bishops onely belongeth to the Popet: and yet in his Catalogue aforesaid, hee saith, It is known that Damasus was never the writer of that booke, but Anastasius onely, the Master of the Pope's Library.

Gregorie Nyssen his eight Bookes De Philosophia, are cited by Bellarmine for Freewill: yet in his Catalogue aforesaid, he confesseth they seeme not to bee the bookes of Gregory Nyssen.

Lactantius Verses are cited by Bellarmine for Adoration of the Crosse¶: and yet he confesseth elsewhere, that it is doubted whether Lactantius were the Author.

Saint Austen is cited ad Orosium by Bellarmine, to proove Ecclesiasticus Canonicall Scripture **: but elsewhere when he is objected in our behalfe in that Tract, hee answeres, it is not Saint Austen's worke, as learned men confesse tt.

* Haud dubio falsa vel supposititia. Idem, de Scrip. Eccle. de Amphil. Ann. 380.

† Bell. lib. 2. de Imag. c. 9.

Idem, lib. 1. de Cler. c. 8.

Bellar. de Scrip. Eccle.

§ Ann. 367. Bell. lib. 4. de grat. & lib. arb. c. 14. Idem, de Script. Eccles. an. 380. Observ. 3.

||| Libri non videntur esse S. Greg. Nyss.

¶ Lib. 2. de Imag. c. 28. Li. de Scrip. Eccles. ann. 290.

** Bell. lib. 1. de ver. Dei, cap. 14.

++ Nec librum illum esse Augustini ut erudit fatentur. Bell. de Miss. lib. 2. c. 12. Ad locum.

Justin Martyr, his Questions are alledged by Bellarmine for Unction in Baptisme, for the Sacrament of Confirmation, for Transubstantiation: but elsewhere hee declareth them to be the work of some new Authour, and not the workes of Justin Martyr.

Origen in his Homilies on the Gospels, is cited by Bellarmine for the Real presence, and his Homilies on the Psalmes he cites for Auricular confession+: yet the one he disclaimeth as none of Origen's, the other he freely confesseth, it is doubted of who is the Author.

Cassianus is cited by Bellarmine for an ancient Author, for the poynt of Justification, and set times of fasting: yet elsewhere hee acknowledgeth the booke for Aprocryphall and counterfet, and condemned in a Roman Councell under Pope Gelasius.

Eusebius, his third Epistle is cited by Bellarmine for the Supremacie: yet he professeth elsewhere, it is not certaine who is the Author thereof.

Hee that shall reade these and many such like authorities of pretended Fathers in behalfe of the Roman Religion, might at first sight happily bee

* Bell. lib. de Bap. c. 25. Idem, lib. de Confir. c. 5. Idem, lib. de Euch. c. 2. Idem, lib. 1. de Sanct. 1. 4. § 3.

+ Lib. 2. de Euch. c. 8. lib. 3. de Pænit. ca. 7. In lib. de Script. Eccles.

Bell. de Justif. 1. 1. c. 13. Idem, de bon. oper. cap. 2. lib. 2.

§ Bell. li. 6. de lib. arb. ca. 4. § accedat.

|| Bell. li. 2. de Pont. c. 14. Idem, de Confirm. lib. 2. c. 7.


induced to beleeve, that all or most of the ancient Doctors of the Church belong to them, when as in truth our adversaries use them but as Merchants use their Counters, sometimes they stand with them for pence, sometimes for pounds, as they bee next and readiest at hand to make up their account.

Thus one while they muster up their forces by multitudes of authorities, as if they would make that good by number, which they want in weight. Sometimes they condemne them as counterfet, sometimes they purge them, as if they were full of corruptions, and according to several occasions they have their several devices, to produce them, or avoyd them at their pleasure: whereas, if they bee counterfeit, (as they are confessed to bee) they are of no authoritie*: If Catholique and Orthodoxe, they make nothing for the points in Controversie, as shall bee presented in the next place.

* Si conficta historia non est ullius authoritatis. Bell, lib. 2. de Pont. cap. 9.










NEITHER are these men content to challenge a right to all the Fathers, (although they confesse they are not all orthodox and true Fathers) but they likewise charge us, that, we make no more account of them, then we doe of the Turkes' Alcoran, or Esop's Fables*. Nay (saith Bristow) it is well known to such as heare the Protestants' Sermons, or bee in place to heare them, talke boldly and familiarly among themselves, are not afrayd to confesse plainely, that the Fathers are all Papists: A strange and senselesse fiction devised by these men, when not onely our learned Divines, but the vulgar people, are all eye-witnesses, that the Booke written by the Jewel of our age, is published in all the churches of our kingdom, whose challenge for the principall points of our Religion

Sebast. Flash. in profess. Cath.

t Bristow. Mot. 14.

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