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lastly, when they are not agreed amongst themselves, whether Councels rightly called, are infallible, or stand subject unto errour.



CARDINALL Bellarmine, who formerly told the Church of God might safely subsist without Councels, gives us likewise to understand by way of prevention, that the Bookes of Councells, being negligently kept, doe abound with many errours*: and hereby we may guesse what is like to be the doctrine of those Councels that are guilty of such errours; and what will be the issue of that doctrine that depends upon such Councels. Whether errors have crept in by the negligence of the keepers,

Libri Concilioris negligenter conservati sunt, et multis vitiis scatent, Bell. de Concil. 1. 3. c. 2.

I cannot

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I cannot tell, but sure I am, many general and particular Councells have erred, many Decrees and Canons of Councells, which are produced for the Romane Religion, are acknowledged by themselves to bee spurious, and counterfet: and many true Canons and Councels, which make against their Trent faith, are condemned by our adversaries as fallible and erronious, as shall appeare by their owne severall confessions in all ages, from the time of Christ till the dayes of Luther. A In the first Age, to 100 yeeres.] The Councel at Hierusalem, gathered under the High Priest, wherein Caip has was President, sought testimonie against Jesus, (Marke xiv.) and excommunicated those who confessed Jesus to be Christ. Bellarmine tells us, Before the comming of Christ, the Coun cels of the Jewes could not erre; but (saith hee) Caiphas with the whole Councell did erre most pernitiously, when they adjudged Christ a blasphemer *2 And this may serve for a leading case, to shew that Councels may erte, as they have erred in the first Age.

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In the second Age, Ann. 100 to 200.] In the yeere 102, the Councel of Antioch is cited by Gretzerus, by Turrian, by Baronius, for the Wor ship of Images: yet neither Merlin, nor Crabbe, nor Surius, nor Nicholinus, publishers of the

* Erravit in fide perniciosissime Caiphas cum universo Concilio cum judicavit Jesum blasphemasse. Bellar. de Conc. auth. lib. 2. c. 8.

+ Coke censura Patrum, p. 237.


Councells, ever mention it; and Binius who produceth it, doeth acknowledge to have received it from Baronius, and Baronius returnes his Author for the Jesuite Turrian, and Turrian professeth that Pamphilus found it in Origen's Librarie, And this may serve to shew, that some Councels are devised to prove the Trent doctrine, and the rather, because worship of Images requires Antiquitie, and Consent of Bishops, to prove it an Article of Faith,

In the third Age, Ann. 200 to 300.] In the yeere 258, the third Councell of Carthage had foure-score and seven Bishops; but, saith Binius, The Catholique Church doeth not receive the Decrees of this Councellt. And the reason is pregnant. This Synod toucheth the Pope's Supremacie : for when as Stephanus Bishop of Rome called himselfe Episcopus Episcoporum, The Bishop of Bishops, Saint Cyprian and the whole Councell opposed that new Title. And this may serve to proove that some Councels rightly called, are discovered by our adversaries, when they make against their Trent faith.

In the fourth Age, Ann, 300 to 400.] In the yeere 317, the Councell of Sinuessa is pretended to consist of 300 Bishops, besides Presbyters and Deacons; and this Councell is cited especially for the Pope's Supremacie: yet Binius, the publisher of the Councels, professeth, that this

• Hujus Provincialis Concilii decreta non recipit Catholica Ecclesia. Bin, in marg. Concil. p. 140,


Councell Although it deserve great credit for the Martyrologies of the Church, yet very many learned men account the Actes to bee spurious, and of no force and validitie*. And this may shew the faith of their Supremacy is grounded upon uncertain and doubtful Councels.

The first General Councell of Nice was called in the yeere 325, and is cited by Bellarmine in the 69 Canon, to prove Extreame Unction a Saerament; and Mr. Hart saith, This Councell hath 80 Canons, and in those Canons the Patriarkes are said to rule their subjects, as the Pope is head of all the Patriarkes, like Peter. Yet 60 of these Canons were denied by Alipius Bishop of Tagasta, by Cyril Bishop of Alexandria, by Atticus Bishop of Constantinople, and by Saint Austen, and the Councell of Africa, who allowed only twentie; and, saith Contius their Lawyer: Their bastardie is proved even by this, that no man, no not Gratian himselfe, durst alleadge them‡. And this may serve to shew, that some counterfet Canons by their owne confessions, are produced for their doctrine of Faith and Sacraments.

The Councell of Eliberis, in the yeere 328, decreed, That no Images should bee set up in Churches §. Baronius answeres: I suspect some

*Doctissimorum plurimi hæc Acta spuria et nullius pondevis esse, validis sanè argumentis probare conati sunt. Concil. Sinuess. Bin. p. 184.

+ Bellar. de Unct, li. 1. cap. 4.

↑ Raynold & Hart. cap. 9. Divis. 2. p. 575.

§ Placuit pieturas in Ecclesia non debere. Canon 36.


jugling in this Canon*. Bellarmine answers: I was a Councell consisting but of nineteen Bishops, and a Provinciall Councell, not confirmed, (by the Pope) and it seemeth to have erred in other Decreest. Heere one Cardinall seemes to allow the Councell, but not the Decree against Images; the other disallowes the whole Councell as fallible, both in that and other Decrees. Howsoever this may serve to show, that there were Protestant Bishops in those dayes, who made publique protestation against making and worshipping of Images, and yet neither Canons nor Councels must be allowed, if they make against an Article of their new Creed.

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The Councell of Millan was cited in the yeere 355, and was universáll, and consisted of three hundred and more Bishops: and yet this Councell did erre in the cause of Athanasias: for (saith Zozomen) Whereas 300 of the Westerne Bishops had consented that Athanasius should bee deposed from his Bishopricke, there were onely five against fifteene score that withstood it‡.

The Councell of Ariminum was cited in the yeere 360, and was universail, and consisted of 600 Bishops: but (saith Austen) Hereticall impietie under an hereticall Emperour àssayed to over

*Suspicor in illo Canone imposturam. Bar. An. ad an. 57.

nu. 121.

+ Bell. de Imag. 1. 2. c. 9.

Dyonisius, Eusebius, Paulinus, Lucifer, Rodanus. Zozom.

1. 4. c. 8...


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