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and he seemeth to me to bee in a foule errour that thinketh otherwise: surely they doe but flatter the Bishop of Rome, that make him free from falling into Schisme, or heresie*.

10. Laurentius Valla.] No man's dignitie doth defend him from controulment: for Peter was not so defended, nor many others that were advanced to that degree, as Pope Marcellinus, in that he offered sacrifices unto Idols, and Pope Cælestinus, in that he agreed with tye heretike Nestorius †.

11. Gerson.] Every one of what degree soever in the Church, although hee bee Pope himselfe, is compassed with infirmities; and subject unto errour, und is in possibilitie of deceiving, and being deceived‡.

12. Erasmus.] If it bee true which some said, that the Bishop of Rome can never erre Judically, what need Generall Councels? why are men skilfull in the Lawes, and learned in Divinitie, sent for to Councells? If hee pronouncing cannot erre, wherefore lyeth there any Appeale from the Pope to d

Papa in fide errare potest, et tota mihi aberrare videtur qui alitèr sentit, assentatur sanè Romano Pontifici qui faciunt eum immunem à lapso hæreseos et schismatis. The soph. lib. 4. cap. 32.

+ Neque aliquem sua dignitas ab increpationibus tutum reddit, quæ Petrum non reddidit, multosque alios eodem præditos gradu, ut Marcellum, qd Diis libasset, ut Cælestinum qd cum Nestorio hæretico sentiret. De Donat. Constantini.

Persona quælibet singularis de Ecclesia cujuscunque dignitatis etiam si Papalis, circundata est infirmitate et deviabilis est, ut fallere possit et falli. Gerson. de examinat. doctr. Consid, 1.


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Councel, or to the Pope himselfe being better informed? To what purposes are so many Universities troubled with handling questions of Faith, when truth nay be had from his mouth? Nay, how commeth it to passe, that one Pope's Decrees are found contrary to another * ?

The learned Romanists are all vowed servants to the Pope; but they give not up their verdict concerning the Pope's Infallibilitie, by reason they agree not in certaine amongst themselves, and the reason as I conceive of this their disagreement, is the want of good evidence, and pregnant testimonies given to the Inquest in the Pope's behalfe: for it is observed by a reverend Divine, "That the Infallibilitie of the Pope's Judgement was so farre "from being a thing resolved of in the Church of "God before our time, that Stapleton confesseth of these times, It is yet no matter of Faith, but of



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opinion onely; because so many famous and renowned divines have ever holden the contrary, "as Gerson, Almaine, Occam, almost all the Pari"sians, all they that thought the Councell to bee

* Si verum est qd quidam asseverant Romanum Pontificem

errore judicali non posse unquam errare, quid opus generalibus Conciliis? quid opus in Concilium accersere Juris consultos? ac theologos eruditos, si pronuntiani labi non possit? cur datus est appellatione locus? vel ad Synodum, vel ad eundem rectius e doctum postèa quam semel de causa pronuntiavit Pontificem? quorsum attinet Academias in tractandis fides quæstionibus distorquere, cum ex uno Pontifice quod verum est, audire liceat? Imò qui fit ut Pontificis hujus decreta cum illius pugnant Decretis? Eras. Annot. in 1 Cor. vii.

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"above the Pope, Adrianus Sextus, Durandus, Alphonsus à Castro, and many more.** And it was likewise published and declared, within these two hundred yeeres, by their owne generall and grand Councell of Basil, that the universall Church did oftentimes withdraw her obedience from the Romane Bishops, as namely from Marcellinus, Anastasius, Liberius, John the twelfth, Benedict the ninth, Benedict the thirteenth, and John the twenty-third: and (there the reason is given) because it is certaine, the Pope may erre, and this (say they) wee have read and scene by experience †.

These things being advisedly heard and considered, I have againe consulted with the Foreman of the Inquest, (who would have it piously to bee beleeved, that the Pope cannot erre:) what should become of those that yeeld obedience to the Pope, when hee may erre and teach false doctrine; or how shall a troubled mind learne the Law from his mouth, when hee never preacheth? To this the Cardinall replies: It is not material whether you heare the Pope or no, when as there are Teachers in your owne Parish, who may informe you‡. And thus from the Essential Church, to the Councell,

* D. Field's Appendix to the 3 Book, c. 26. p. 340. + Universalis Ecclesia sæpe obedientiam Romanis Pontificibus subtraxit, Marcellino, Anastatio, Liberio, Johanni XII. Benedicto IX. Benedicto XIII. Johanni XXIII.-Certum est Papam errare posse, sæpe experti sumus et legimus Papam errasse. Epi. Synod. Concil. Basil.

↑ Bell. de verbo Dei, lib. 3. cap. 5.


from the Councell to the Consistorie of Cardinalls, from the Consistorie to the Pope, from the Pope wee are sent at last to the Bishop or Priest of the Parish; and this is Via Dubiu, a doubtfull and uncertaine way, and this is Via Devia, a wandring and By-way.

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TOLLET the Jesuite observing, that difference of opinions might breed some distraction in the Church, and scruples in the mind of the ignorant, resolves with what safetie the Romish Proselytes may relie upon their Priest's doctrine: If one beleeve* (saith hee) his Bishop or Prelate preach contrarie to the Faith, thinking, that it is so beleeved by the Church; such a one shall not onely not sinne, but also in be

* Si rusticus circa articulos credat suo Episcopo proponenti aliquod dogma hæreticum meretur in credendo, licet sit error, quia tenetur credere donec ei constet esse contra Ecclesiam. Toll, de Instruct. Sacerd. lib. 4. cap. 3.

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leeving that falshood, shall performe an act meritorious. The beliefe then of the Romish doctrine, doeth not consist altogether in the trueth of it, but in the faith of the belcever: for let it be true or false, if it bee received with an affected ignorance, and a blinde obedience, the partie shall be safe, as it were by fire; that is, as they elegantly understand it, shall goe through the fire of Purgatory to heaven.

Cardinall Cusanus hath given his voice with Cardinal Tollet, that it is the safest and surest way to relie upon the Priest as Ruler of the people, without further inquirie of the truth: and thereupon he cries out with admiration, as if hee would astonish his Disciples with the name of the Church: O how strong is the building of the Church: for no man can be deceived, no not by an evil Bishop, if thou say unto God, O Lord, I have obeyed thee in my Bishop; this shall suffice thee unto salvation for thou canst not bee deceived by thy obedience, that thou yeeldest to the Bishop, whom the Church suffereth, although hee command thee 'other things then he ought to doe for the Church presumeth his sentence to be good; which sentence if thou obey, thy reward shall bee great. Obedience therefore without reason, is a full and perfect obedience, that is, when thou obeyest without inquiring of reason, as a horse is obedient to his Master*.


Quam firma est ædificatio Ecclesiæ, quia nemo decipi potest etiam per malum præsidentem. Si dixeris Domine obe

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