Sayfadaki görseller


It is a Lover's aim, most naturally,
Unto his Lady-love his heart to bare;
And this it was which in thy vision rare,
Love undertook to manifest to thee,
When of thy burning heart he modestly,
Did give to eat unto thy lady fair;

She who had lain so long in slumber there,
In mantle clad, and from all sorrow free--
Love shewed himself to thee in joyous guise,
Coming to give to thee thine heart's desire,
And blend your mutual wishes into one,
And conscious of the pain which hidden lies
In love, which in thy Lady he instilled,

He pitied her, and wept - and then was gone.

1 From the edition of the Rime di Cino, published by Sebastiano Ciampi, Pisa 1813 in-8. pag. 98.


Di ciò, che stato sei dimandatore
Guardando, ti rispondo brevemente
Amico mio, di poco conoscente
Mostrandoti de' ver lo suo sentore.
Al suo mistier cosi son parlatore;

Se san li truovi, e fermo della mente,
Che lavi la tua collia largamente,
Acciocchè stringa, e passi lo vapore,
Lo qual ti fa favolegiar loquendo:
E se gravato sei d'infertà rea,
Sol ch' hai farneticato, sappie, intendo.
Cosi rescritto il mio parer ti rendo;

Nè cangio mai d'esta sentenza mea,
Finchè tua acqua al medico no' stendo.

1 Dalla Raccolta di Rime antiche Toscane, Palermo 1817. t. I. pag. 250.


The thing thou ask'st me, well reflected on,
I send my answer, in few words to thee
My friend (of such things ignorant though I be)
In which the truth of this thy dream is shewn,
Whose mystery I explain one way alone.

If thou art sound in frame, thy senses free
From any ailment, bathe thee copiously,
Until those vapours be repressed or gone,
Which cause thee idle stories to relate.

If by some sickness thou art sore oppressed, 'Twas a delirium so I'd have thee know

My written judgment thus to you I state,

And my opinion ever fixed will rest

Till I, your water to the Doctor shew.

4 From the Raccolta di Rime antiche Toscane, Palermo 1817 t. I. p. 250.

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