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General introduction; Different opinions as to the true origin of the Standards of Weights and Measures. Standards of Great Britain and France. the Linear measures of Hindoos and Mahomedans, Authorities for the foregoing statements. Land measure;-Itinerary measure. — Superficial Land Measure. - Dry Measures or Measures of Capacity.— Liquid Measures. Solid, or Cubic Measures. Weights. Money Weights. Lesser Weights. Gross Weights. Jewellers Weights. Allowances, or Customary excess on Weight or Measure: Summary review of Coins in connection with Weights ....


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Elementary Tables.- Luni-Solar Reckoning. - Lunar Reckoning. dereal Reckoning. Years, Months, Seasons; Cycles, Intercalations. Solar Tropical or Astronomical year.- Vague years. - Eras. Mohummudan years. Construction of the Punchung, or Calendars; - Ta****page 65


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CHAPTER III. COMPARATIVE VIEW OF MODERN AND ANCIENT STANDARDS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. General Summary of the Hindoo System.- The Hustuh or Cubit, the general Standard for all Measures, Linear, Superficial, Solid, and of Capacity; &c. thronghout India. The Indian Tables from original Sunskrit works-systematically arranged with approximate equivalent values in English inches. The foregoing originals do not appear to have been immediately obtained from any scientific process or actual measurement of the earth in India. -The Standard of the Linear Measure deduced from the Hindoo Astronomical books identified with the Arabian, by means of which the connection is traced to the Chaldean, the Jewish, or Scripture Measures, the Egyptian, the Roman, and the Greek. The true value of the Ancient Standards. Further comparison of the Modern and Ancient Indian Standard of Superficial measures, of Asiatic nations, of Modern and Ancient European Nations.-The Indian Systems of Dry Measure and Weights compared with those of the various Asiatic nations, the Jews, Arabians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Europeans. The whole referred to the Jewish Standard, or Prototype of the Metrical Systems throughout the world. *••••

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The rule of eliciting the fundamental elements of all systems of Heathen Chronology explained. — Three notable indications that the existing chronological and mythological systems of all the Oriental nations are of compara.

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tively recent fabrication. The idea of a Divine Saviour, derived wholly from the Scriptures of Truth. The heathen and unenlightened Israelites, looked only for a temporal human prince. This was the chief cause and still continues to be the chief cause for the rejection and crucifixion of the true Messiah with Judaizing Christians, Jews, and Infidels. -- The second or spiritual birth, perfectly unknown and incomprehensible, till the doctrine was first taught to Nicodemus by our blessed Lord. The mystery of the Trinity however obscurely intimated by Heathen writers neither received nor understood by the most enlightened as a fundamental principle of any Heathen creed, till the disputes and heresies of Christianity had so perplexed and darkened the scheme by human reasoning as to pave the way for its introduction into the new corrupt religious creeds which started forth into being throughout the whole earth in the beginning of the seventh century. Connection traced between the astronomy and mythology of all Heathen nations. The Hindoo astronomical works have many internal evidences of their modern character: First, measurement of an arc of the Meridian, derived from the Arabs. Second, proportion of the diameter to the circumference of a circle, derived through the Arabs from Archimedes. Third, table of sines, framed on the principles of the latter and the Greek and Arabian geometricians. Fourth, precession of the Equinoxes, from the Jewish or patriarchal astronomy, intermediately through Hipparchus, Ptolomy, and the Arabs. Fifth, Libration of the Equinoxes from Ptolomy and the Arabians. Sixth, the cycles of the Planets from the Europeans, with the elements of the early Greek astronomers. Seventh, the Julian year and reckoning from the Europeans; subsequently also, the epoch of the reformation of the Calendar by Pope Gregory. The discovery of the whole is to be found in the Vrihusputee yoog, or cycle of Jupiter of sixty years.. Arrangement and use of this cycle in Northern and Southern India. - Corresponding years of each cycle, and those of the Christian Vulgar æra, signification of the title of the Eras. - The date of the fabrication of the Brahminical scheme between A. D. 606 and 638, fixes the utmost limit of all authentic history in India, prior to that date. The Vikrumadityu, or Bengal Æra refers to the reformation of the calendar by Julius Cæsar. The Shalivahan Era to the crucifixion of Christ. The Era of Yoodhishtir to the building of the city of Rome, 753 years before Christ. -The commencement of the Kulee yoog, to the flood. These particulars, discussed at length-from the reputed ancient commencement of the Hindoo year with the winter solstice: which is shown to have been adopted from the Romans, who next to the Egyptians, deviated from the most encient mode of commencing the year with the vernal equinox and this deviation is the first direct proof of the modern character of the Chinese and Japanese astronomy, which still adheres to its original reformed practice of beginning the year at, or near the winter solstice.-The Hindoos and Chinese began the year with the full moon nearest the winter solstice at the beginning of the seventh century. The whole of the systems of the Orientals, as well as the Greeks, Chaldeans, and Egyptians, deduced from the ancient Jewish or primitive Patriarchal astronomy which has for its basis the great cycle of 600 Tropical Luni-solar years commencing with the Creation at the vernal equinox. - Remarkable properties of the Jewish or primitive patriarchal cycle of 600 years. The precise date to which the Hindoo fabrication refers, considered. The reformation of the calendar by Julius Cæsar. The Vulgar Era of Christ, The true Era. The ministry of our Lord. The crucifixion. The building of the city of Rome. The grand epoch of the rise of the Antichristian powers over the whole earth. General comparative view of the Egyptian, Chaldean, Grecian, Chinese, Japanese, and American astronomy; The calendar of the Muysca Indians, the Mexicans, Toltecks, Azteks; striking conformity of the whole, and reference to the great prophetic epoch at the beginning of the seventh century. - A Tabular sketch of the whole. Conclusive inferences and remarks. Concluding observations•••••••

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THE research for a simple, unalterable, and universa! standard of weight and measure, has frequently exercised the ingenuity and attention of many of the first legislators and mathematicians in every age; but that such Standard existed from all antiquity, has not I believe been so much as 'surmised-far less will it be supposed that we are to look to India for the most unexceptionable evidence, in support of a fact, which is doubtless most clearly, though incidentally, deducible from Holy Scripture.

If this were a hasty or inconsiderate observation, it might claim to be treated as such; on the other hand, when a diligent and protracted research has served to amplify and strengthen the proofs, whether in reference to past or existing usages, to modern or ancient nations, to the whole range of sacred or profane literature, it may well bespeak an indulgent hearing; nor can there be a doubt, that the result of a rigid inquiry will produce an equally delightful assurance on the mind of every impartial reader, as it has on that of the author; that the Bible stands alone, unequalled for its antiquity, consistency, and truth; that its institutes and precepts moreover, of whatever kind, whether of moralor spiritual tendency, are suited equally to every description and stage of society, and calculated alike to the same great ends, which characterize the perfection of goodness and wisdom. The discovery of these particulars, has been arrived at, through many an unpromising and intricate path, in which men of far greater capabilities have bewildered themselves to no purpose-till a certain perception of their reality has been attained, the faithful, though imperfect report of which, may probably induce others to examine for themselves, and establish to the satisfaction of the most enlightened scholar, that all knowledge must of necessity have come by inspiration; that man in the image of his Maker was once created perfect in all his faculties:


that man fallen from this high estate, declined proportionally in his intellectual powers, till, in the ages subsequent to the flood, true and genuine science was obliterated in the family of Ham, though faint traces of it long subsisted in the descendants of Shem, in whom some adherence to the worship of the only true God, was always more peculiarly found. If the disquisition promised no other advantages than the solution of this contested question, it would well repay any pains bestowed on it, for without this, the history of mankind is a riddle which defies all human explanation. The conviction of this argument identifies it with Scripture, and incontestably proves that all true science can only emanate from the Source of Truth, and subsist by, and through that Source of Truth-that whatever is contrary to, or short of the perfection of science, originates exclusively in a declension from GOD.

Reader, think me not presumptuous in averring these conclusions. We have not all the same visual powers: some observe an object but imperfectly, some more distinctly; but whether imperfectly or distinctly, the object is the same. This great object before us, is Perfect Truth. If I have not made good my case; if from a deficiency of vision I have not discern. ed, or from the defects of understanding or education, or better gifts, have not reported fully and faithfully, what I have seen, it may be apprehended and explained better by others, but for itself, it will bear the strictest investigation, and will ever re. main unchangeably the same.

This then is the result of my report, that the inexplicable analogy between the weights and measures of all nations, between the nomenclature and standards of each, appears by various well authenticated testimonies, to have been derived either by the intervention of the wars, or dispersions, or commerce of the Jews, from the Holy Scriptures, and that the standard or rule by which they were regulated, as might be expected, coming from the Source of all Truth, was in its origin adapted to all ages, and all circumstances and ranks of society; that it was founded moreover on the most profound mathematical principles, and forms at this present day the peculiar desideratum of our most eminent legislators.

Further, that chronology, or the elementary principles there

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