Sayfadaki görseller
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TO THE RIGHT worthy and noble Knight

Sir VValter Raleigh, Captaine of her Maiefties
Guard, Lord Wardein of the Stanneries,
and Lieutenant of the Countie of

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SIR, that you may fee that I am not alwaies ydle as yee thinke, though not greatly well occupied, nor altogither vndutifull, though not precifely officious, I make 10 you prefent of this fimple paftorall, vnworthie of your higher conceit for the meaneffe of the file, but agreeing with the truth in circumftance and matter. The which I humbly befeech you to accept in part of paiment of the infinite debt in which I acknowledge my felfe bounden vnto you, for your fingular fauours and fundrie good turnes fhewed to me at my late being in England, and with your good countenance protect against the malice of

euill mouthes, which are alwaies wide open to carpe at and mifconftrue my fimple meaning.

1/pray continually for your happinese. From my houfe of Kilcolman, the 27. of December.


Yours euer humbly.

Ed. Sp.



COLIN CLOVTS come home againe.

He fhepheards boy (best knowen by
that name)

That after Tityrus firft fung his lay,
Laies of fweet loue, without rebuke


or blame,

Sate (as his cuftome was) vpon a day,

Charming his oaten pipe vnto his peres,
The shepheard fwaines, that did about him play:
Who all the while with greedie liftfull eares,
Did ftand aftonisht at his curious skill,

Like hartleffe deare, difmayed with thunders found.
At laft when as he piped had his fill,

He rested him: and fitting then around,

One of thofe groomes (a iolly groome was he,

As euer piped on an oaten reed,

And lou'd this fhepheard dearest in degree,
Hight Hobbinol) gan thus to him areed.

Colin my liefe, my life, how great a loffe
Had all the shepheards nation by thy lacke?
And I poore fwaine of many greatest croffe:
That fith thy Mufe firft fince thy turning backe



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