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the power of the Holy Ghost, from whence that Hope flows with an unremitting stream.

Thus, by analyzing the text, I have endeavoured to point out, not only what are the principal effects of this grace of God upon the mind of the true believer, but also to shew in what gradation he is to expect its internal operations; and if I have done this in a satisfactory manner, what must my audience think of those gloomy enthusiasts, who abounding, as they arrogantly profess that they do, with extraordinary manifestations, and sensible impulses of the same Holy Spirit, impress the minds of their affrighted followers with nothing but images of horror and despair. For if, as we have seen, Divine Joy be the first symptom of this heavenly operation in the breasts of the faithful, how little must that teacher seem to be possessed of it, who chooses only to communicate to others the very opposite sensations of melancholy and chagrin Full as questionable are his pretensions to the second blessing of Divine Peace, when he is ever prompt to make invidious distinctions between Gospel and carnal Preachers, saintly and sinful hearers, and thereby to sow the seeds of religious dissension amongst his brethren. Still less can we suppose that he abounds with the last of these spiritual qualities, Divine Hope, when he denies the smallest pittance of it to all persons who do not think precisely as he does, concerning certain abstruse doctrinal points, which have been variously understood from the

very first ages of the Church, and will probably remain disputable to the very last.-But here I restrain myself, well aware, that, when the fire of enthusiasm is once kindled, all remonstrances are ineffectual; to apply to minds thus overheated the calm dictates of common sense, is to throw oil upon flame, and to increase its fury; nevertheless, to persons yet untainted with this too common contagion, reflections of this kind may not be without their use; it becomes, therefore, the regular Preacher sometimes to employ himself in this preventative exercise; to these persons, therefore, and with this benevolent intention, they are at present, with all due deference, addressed.

Yet when I address myself to such sober, yet sincere Christians, surely I may be permitted to proceed further. Yes, my Brethren, with that becoming energy which the important subject inspires, I will exhort you all seriously and earnestly to implore, from the fountain of never-ceasing mercy, those real those inestimable blessings, which true faith and unfeigned piety is fully warranted to expect from the communication of this Holy Spirit; for think not, because those extraordinary illuminations which the Enthusiast fancies, and which the Hypocrite pretends he is possessed of, are vain and fallacious, that therefore all hope of assistance from above is dubious and uncertain: be assured that He is faithful who promised that assistance; and therefore,

that his blessed Spirit is not far from every one of us : Rise therefore established in this Faith; Rise to that exalted pitch of Christian perfection which your Maker and your Redeemer command you to attain to, and towards which attainment they promise you an aid so necessary, so salutary, and so effectual: Reflect on the blessings which are by that means conveyed to you, joy, peace, and hope, blessings which, in a human sense, furnish the most solid satisfaction that mortality can aspire to: What are they then in a divine sense? What are they when that joy is sublimated far beyond any temporal delight; that peace beyond all terrestrial tranquillity; that hope far beyond the expectance of the most refined sublunary gratifications. Do they not then become those blessings of which the angels themselves, and the spirits of just men made perfect, participate in heaven? Blessings which are the principal jewels in the crown of immortality, and which reflect the ineffable radiance of the Divinity itself.

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