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NOTE: For a fuller list, numbering forty-two, see The Shakespeare Apocrypha, pp. ix-xi.

Edward III.

S. R. Dec. 1, 1595. Pr. 1596, 1599.

Note: Eleven reprints, including editions by Furnivall, 1877; Collier, 1878: Warnke and Proescholdt, 1886; and Smith, G. C., Moore-, Temple Dramatists, 1897, have since appeared.

Phipson, Emma.

On Edward III. New Shakspere Soc. Trans. 1887-92. Swinburne, A. C.

On the Historical Play of King Edward III.
(In A Study of Shakespeare. 1895.)

Sir Thomas More.

MS. in British Museum (Harl. 7368).

Ed. Dyce, A., Shakespeare Soc., 1844.

Ed. Greg, W. W., Malone Soc., 1911 (with facsimiles of the five hands in the MS., of which one may be Dekker's and another is possibly Shakespeare's).

Arden of Feversham.

S. R. April 3, 1592. Pr. 1592, 1599, 1633.

Note: Of the seven editions since issued, the most significant are those by Bullen, A. H., 1887; Warnke and Proescholdt, 1888; and Bayne, R., Temple Dramatists, 1897.

Boas, F. S.

Works of Thomas Kyd (Introd.) Oxford. 1901.
Crawford, Charles.

The Authorship of Arden of Feversham.
Sh. Jahrb. 1903. 39.

Donne, C. E.

An Essay on the Tragedy of Arden of Feversham. 1873.

Sarrazin, G.

Thomas Kyd und sein Kreis. Berlin. 1892.


Pr. 1598, 1606, 1610, 1611, 1613, 1615, 1618, 1619, 1621, 1626, 1631, 1634, 1639, 1663, 1668, n. d., lost title-page. Note: The suggestion of Shakespearean authorship relates to the "new additions" first appearing in the third of the above seventeen early editions.

Warnke and Proescholdt.

The Comedy of Mucedorus. Halle. 1878. Collins, J. Churton. Works of Robert Greene. (Introd.). Oxford. 1905. Greg, W. W.

On the Editions of "Mucedorus". Sh. Jahrb. 1904. 40.

The Merry Devil of Edmonton.

S. R. Oct. 22, 1607. Pr. 1608, 1612, 1617, 1626, 1631, 1655. Note: Of the ten editions since issued, the most significant are those by Warnke and Proescholdt, 1884, and by Walker, Temple Dramatists, 1897.

Fair Em.

Pr. n. d., 1631.

Warnke and Proescholdt.

The Comedie of Faire Em. Halle. 1883.



The History of Cardenio.

S. R. Sept. 9, 1653, "by Mr. Fletcher and Shakespeare". Note: Theobald claimed to have re-written this play in his Double Falsehood, or, The Distrest Lovers. 1728. Bradford, Gamaliel.

[blocks in formation]

Henry I.

S. R. Sept. 9, 1653, "by Wm. Shakespeare and Robert Davenport".

Henry II.

S. R. Sept. 9, 1653, "by Wm. Shakespeare and Robert Davenport".

The History of King Stephen.

S. R. June 29, 1660, "by W. Shakespeare".

Duke Humphrey, a Tragedy.

S. R. June 29, 1660, "by W. Shakespeare".

Iphis and Ianthe, or, A Marriage without a Man.
S. R. June 29, 1660, "by W. Shakespeare".

Henneman, J. B.

The Episodes in Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI.
Mod. Lang. Assoc. Pub. 1900. 15.

Lee, Jane.

On the Authorship of the Second and Third Parts of
Henry VI.

New Shakspere Soc. Trans. 1875-6.

Rives, G. L.

An Essay on the Authorship of the First, Second and
Third Parts of Henry VI. 1874.

Stone, W. C. Boswell

Shakspere's Holinshed. 1896.

The Comedy of Errors

? Ac. Dec. 28, 1594, at Gray's Inn. S. R. Nov. 8, 1623. Pr. F. 1623.

[blocks in formation]

? Richard III.

S. R. Oct. 20, 1597. Pr. 1597, 1598, 1602, 1605, 1612, 1622.

Furness Variorum. 1908.

Field, Barron.

The True Tragedy of Richard the Third; with the
Latin play of Richardus Tertius. Shakespeare

Soc. 1844.

Lowell, James Russell.

Shakespeare's Richard III.

(In Latest Literary Essays and Addresses. Boston. 1892.)

Wood, Alice I. Perry.

The Stage History of Shakespeare's King Richard the Third. New York. 1909. (Columbia Univ. Studies in Eng.) With bibliography. Stone, W. C. Boswell

Shakspere's Holinshed. 1896.

Love's Labours Lost.

S. R. Jan. 22, 1607. Ac. at Court, Christmas, 1597.
Pr. (Rev.) 1598.

Furness Variorum. 1904.

Pater, Walter.

Love's Labours Lost. (In Appreciations. 1889.)

The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

Ac. before 1598. S. R. Nov. 8, 1623. Pr. F. 1623.
The Shepherdess Felismena (from Yonge's tr. of Monte-
mayor's Diana). Collier-Hazlitt Shakespeare's Li-
brary, v. 1. 1875.

? The Taming of The Shrew.

(Rev. of The Taming of A Shrew, pr. 1594, 1596, 1607.) Pr. F. 1623.

The Taming of A Shrew.

Shakespeare Classics. 1908.

Gascoigne's Supposes. Ed. Cunliffe, J. W. Boston. 1906. (Belles Lettres Series.)

King John.

(Rev. of The Troublesome Reign of King John, pr. 1591, 1611, 1622. Announced in Shakespeare Classics.) Ac. before 1598. Pr. F. 1623.

French, Clara.

The Dramatic Action and Motive of King John.
Cambridge, Mass. 1892.

Stone, W. C. Boswell

Shakspere's Holinshed. 1896.

A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Ac. before 1598. S. R. Oct. 8, 1600. Pr. 1600 (Fisher), 1600 (Roberts. But see note above.)

Furness Variorum. 1895.

The Sources and Analogues of A Midsummer Night's
Dream. Shakespeare Classics. 1908.

Richard II.

S. R. Aug. 29, 1597. Pr. 1597, 1598, 1608, (Law), 1608,


Pater, Walter.

Shakespeare's English Kings. (In Appreciations. 1889.)

Stone, W. C. Boswell

Shakspere's Holinshed. 1896.

Romeo and Juliet.

S. R. Jan. 22, 1607. Pr. 1597, 1599, 1609, n. d.?
Furness Variorum.


Brooke's Poem of Romeus and Juliet.

Shakespeare Classics. 1907.

Rhomeus and Julietta.

(The twenty-fifth novel in Painter's Palace of Pleasure. Ed. Jacobs, Joseph. 1890.)

The Merchant of Venice.

S. R. July 22, 1598. Pr. 1600 (Roberts), 1600 (Heyes.
But see note above.)

Furness Variorum. 1888.

Lee, (Sir) Sidney. Roderigo Lopez. D. N. B.

1 Henry IV.

S. R. Feb. 25, 1598. Pr. 1598, 1599, 1604, 1608, 1613, 1622.

2 Henry IV.

S. R. Aug. 23, 1600. Pr. 1600 (2).

The Famous Victories of Henry V. 1598.

Morgann, Maurice.

An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John
Falstaff. 1777. 1825.

Stone, W. C. Boswell

Shakspere's Holinshed. 1896.

The Merry Wives of Windsor.

S. R. Jan. 18, 1602. Pr. 1602, 1619.

Henry V.

Ac. btw. April and Sept., 1599? S. R. Aug. 4 (1600?) ("to be staid.")

Pr. 1600, 1602, 1608. (But see note above.)
Bradley, A. C.

The Rejection of Falstaff.

(In Oxford Lectures on Poetry. 1909.) Stone, W. C. Boswell

Shakspere's Holinshed. 1896.

Yeats, William Butler.

At Stratford-on-Avon.

(In Ideas of Good and Evil. 1903.) All's Well that Ends Well. (Love's Labours Won?) Ac. before 1598 (?). S. R. Nov. 8, 1623. Pr. F. 1623. Giletta of Narbona.

(The thirty-eighth novel in Painter's Palace of Pleasure. Ed. Jacobs, Joseph. 1890.)

As You Like It.

S. R. Aug. 4 (1600?). ("to be staid.") Pr. F. 1623.
Furness Variorum. 1890.

Lodge's Rosalynde.

Shakespeare Classics, 1907.

Stone, W. C. Boswell

Shakespeare's As You Like It and Lodge's Rosalynde compared. New Shakspere Soc. Trans. 1880-6.

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