Sayfadaki görseller

one object, was able to win what no amount of physical violence could obtain, was first made in 1828-29.


the intellectual faculties of men are more cultivated, and as education extends, the Moral Power will grow irresistible, and the will and wishes of the people more and more prevail. Immortal honour to the man who first applied and carried into practice this great discovery! It is impossible to foresee the beneficial results to mankind, to which it yet may lead. If, for no other reason, the years 1828-29, will be glorious in the annals of time, for being the era when the great experiment was first successfully tried; the events recorded in this Chapter will be read with deeper interest, as developing in full relief, the power and concentration of public opinion. This volume closes one great epoch in O'Connell's The next will exhibit his master-mind in bolder action; when, in becoming a member of the Imperial Legislature, a large portion of the Irish representation was in his hands-and when, against the might of Eng. land, he struggled for the REPEAL OF THE ACT OF UNION, and for the regeneration of Ireland.




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