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our Master prayed, and of that Charity which He appointed to be the distinguishing feature of His followers. Let me entreat all who may derive, or fancy they derive assistance from this volume, to offer up their prayers to God for these ends.


Constitution of Paul V. 63. Published at Rome every Maunday Thursday.

We do in the behalf of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and with the authority of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, excommunicate and anathematize all Hussites, Wickliffites, Lutherans, Zuinglians, Calvinists, Huguenots, Anabaptists, Trinitarians, and Apostates from the faith of Christ, and all and sundry other heretics, by whatsoever name they may be reckoned, and of whatever sect they may be; and those who believe in them, and their receivers, abettors, and generally speaking, all their defenders whatsoever; and those who, without the authority of us and of the Apostolic See, knowingly read, or retain,

Constitutio Pauli, v. 63.

§. Excommunicamus et anathematizamus ex parte Dei omnipotentis, Patris, et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, auctoritate quoque B. Apost. Petri et Pauli, ac nostra, quoscunque Hussitas, Wichlephistas, Luteranos, Zuinglianos, Calvinistas, Ugonottas, Anabaptistas, Trinitarios, et a Christi fide Apostatas, ac omnes et singulos alios hæreticos, quocunque nomine censeantur, et cujuscunque sectæ existant; ac eis credentes eorumque receptatores, fautores, et generaliter quoslibet illorum defensores; ac eorumdem libros hæresin continentes, vel de religione tractantes sine

or imprint, or in any way defend books containing their heresy, or treating of religion, let it be from what cause it may, publicly or privately, under any pretence or colour whatsoever; as also the schismatics, and those who pertinaciously withdraw themselves or recede from obedience to us and the Roman pontiff for the time being.

auctoritate nostra et sedis Apostolicæ scienter legentes aut retinentes, imprimentes, seu quomodolibet defendentes, ex quavis causa publice vel occulte, quovis ingenio vel colore ; necnon schismaticos et eos qui se a nostra et Romani pontificis pro tempore existentis obedientia pertinaciter subtrahunt vel recedunt.

THE OATH required of a Bishop at his Consecration, according to the usage of the Church of Rome.

I, N. elected to the Church of N. will, from this time henceforth, be faithful and obedient to the blessed Apostle Peter, and to the holy Roman Church, and to our lord N. Pope N. and to his canonical successors. I will not aid, by advice or


Ego, N. electus Ecclesiæ N. ab hâc horâ in anteà fidelis et obediens ero beato Petro Apostolo, sanctæque Romanæ Ecclesiæ, et Domino nostro, Domino N., Papæ N. suisque successoribus canonice intrantibus. Non ero in consilio, aut consensu, vel

consent, or deed, in any injury to them in life or limb; or to their arrest, or to any violence being in any way offered to them; or any injuries, under any pretext whatsoever: I will not knowingly reveal to any one, to their injury, the advice which they shall commit to me by themselves, or their messengers, or by letter. Saving my order, I will assist in retaining and defending the Roman papacy, and the royalties of St. Peter, against every one. I will honourably deal with the Legate of the Apostolic See in going and returning; and will assist him in his need. I will take care to preserve, defend, increase and advance the rights, honours, privileges, and authority of the holy Roman Church, of our lord the Pope, and his aforesaid successors. Nor will I assist, by counsel, deed, or treaty, in any machinations against our lord himself, or the same Roman Church, which may be evil or prejudicial to

facto, ut vitam perdant aut membrum, seu capiantur mala captione, aut in eos violenter manus quomodolibet ingerantur; vel injuriæ aliquæ inferantur, quovis quæsito colore. Consilium vero, quod mihi credituri sunt, per se, aut nuntios suos, seu litteras, ad eorum damnum, me sciente, nemini pandam. Papatum Romanum, et Regalia sancti Petri, adjutor eis ero ad retinendum, et defendendum, salvo meo ordine, contra omnem hominem. Legatum Apostolicæ sedis ineundo et redeundo honorifice tractabo, et in suis necessitatibus adjuvabo. Jura, honores, privilegia, et auctoritatem sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ, Domini nostri Papæ, et successorum prædictorum conservare, defendere, augere, promovere curabo. Neque ero in consilio, vel facto, seu tractatu, in quibus contra ipsum Dominum nostrum vel eamdem Romanam Ecclesiam, aliqua

their persons, right, honour, state and power. And if I shall know of any such attempts being treated of, or set on foot, by any persons whatsoever, I will hinder them to the utmost of my power; and, as soon as I possibly can, will signify it to the same our lord, or to some other who shall be able to give him information. I will, with all my power, observe, and cause others to observe, the rules of the holy Fathers, the apostolic decrees, ordinances, or dispositions, provisions, and commands. To the utmost of my power I will persecute and attack heretics, schismatics, and rebels against the same our lord, or his aforesaid successors. When called to a Synod I will come, unless prevented by some canonical hindrance. Every three1 years I

sinistra, vel præjudicialia personarum, juris, honoris, status, et potestatis eorum machinentur. Et, si talia a quibuscumque tractari, vel procurari novero, impediam hoc pro posse; et quanto citius potero, significabo eidem Domino nostro, vel alteri, per quem possit ad ipsius notitiam pervenire. Regulas sanctorum Patrum, decreta, ordinationes seu dispositiones, reservationes, provisiones, et mandata Apostolica, totis viribus observabo, et faciam ab aliis observari. Hæreticos, schismaticos, et rebelles eidem Domino nostro, vel successoribus prædictis, pro posse persequar et impugVocatus ad Synodum veniam, nisi præpeditus fuero canonica præpeditione. Apostolorum limina singulis trienniis personaliter per me ipsum visitabo; et Domino nostro, ac suc

1 The term of years varies from three to ten, according to the distance of the Bishop's See from Rome. See the Rubrics following this oath.

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