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side of the wharf." ... "One of the halligs" ... "is the scene of the" present "narrative. It was in the summer of 1824 inhabited by about fifty persons, in nine huts, placed upon six wharves scattered over a surface of scarcely a square mile, and who supplied themselves sparingly with the bare necessaries of life by keeping sheep. The old church having been swept away in 1816, and in 1821 another which had just been completed, a new one, scarcely distinguishable from the other dwellings, served as a place of worship for the pious congregation."

The tale runs through a period of about six months, from September, 1824, to February, 1825, when another inundation occurred, destroying nearly all the houses and other property on the island, and two of the inhabitants. The people were Lutherans, and their pastor appears to have been a faithful and devoted man. With the exception of some doctrinal peculiarities, especially consubstantiation, his views appear to have been evangelical; and the main incidents of the tale, we are told, were real occurrences. While we are free to say that this kind of reading, which is a mixture of fact and fiction, is not according to our taste, it is adapted to interest many readers who complain of more solid and didactic works, that they are dull and prosy, and who if it were not for books of this character would seldom read a religious volume.

KINDLING; OR A WAY TO DO IT. By a Sabbath School Teacher; with an introductory note by Rev. R. S. STORRY, Jun., D.D. New York: M. W. Dodd, Publisher; and sold by Wm. S. & Alfred Martien, Philadelphia, pp. 384.

This volume is written with earnestness, contains many good thoughts and suggestions about Sabbath schools, and gives such details with reference to conducting them, as are needed by inexperienced teachers and superintendents. Some of the books which he recommends are not such as we approve, and, if we understand him, his views concerning the office of the Gospel ministry are unsound. He thinks that when Sabbath School scholars are converted, they should profess religion and receive the sacrament from the hand of the superintendent, or other intelligent person, whether he has been ordained to the office of the Gospel ministry or not; see pp. 35, 36, and 219-229. His reasons for this innovation apply with as much force to many families and neighbourhoods of people who are not favoured with the stated ministry of the Gospel as they do to Sabbath schools; and the practical effect would be to annihilate the clerical office as a distinct and peculiar vocation. Indeed his theory, as stated by himself, does annihilate the distinction between the clergy and laity; all Christians are priests, and, if they are qualified, have as good a right to preach and administer the ordinances, as those who are specially set apart and ordained to this work. We regret to find this sentiment in the book, as it seriously detracts from its merits, and will make sober-minded men cautious about encouraging its circulation. By those who are sufficiently fortified against this error, the volume may be perused with profit. Its general design of arousing the feelings and kindling the zeal of all our church members in the active promotion of Sabbath schools we heartily approve, and the spirit and tone of the book are adapted to produce this effect. Concerning this important department of Christian labour, we would employ the inspired exhortation with reference to doing good in general: "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not."

THE CHRISTIAN VIRTUES personified and exhibited as a Divine Family in their distinctive characters, associations, missions, labours, transformations, and ultimate rewards. An Illustrated Allegory. By the REV. D. D. BUCK. New York and Auburn. Sold by William S. and Alfred Martien, Philadelphia.

The appearance of this volume is attractive, in which respect the designation on the frontispiece, "A Gem for Ladies," may not be inappropriate. It is a suitable gift book either from the ladies or to them; and as an ornament for a centre table it compares favourably with volumes usually seen there. The structure of the work is that of an allegory, in the execution of which we do not consider the author as equally successful in every chapter, but, on the whole, he has exhibited considerable ingenuity, and has produced an entertaining and instructive volume. The Christian virtues are personified. In the first part they are exhibited both individually and in groups, as they appear and act on earth. In the second part they are severally represented as receiving their reward in heaven. The author draws largely on his imagination, but his sentiments, as far as we have discovered, are evangelical, and in many places they are sustained by a distinct reference to passages of Scripture. Several of these virtues are represented as receiving other names in the heavenly world, corresponding to the change which takes place in their characters and offices, from the new positions which they occupy. Faith is called Knowledge; Charity, Love; Mercy, Praise; Zeal, Rapture; Industry, Delight; Patience, Peace; Humility, Complacency; Impulse, Ecstasy; Virtue, Purity; and Temperance, Bliss; Truth, Hope, Justice, and some others, retain the same names, because their characters and offices are immutable. Thus the decision concerning Hope is, "HOPE SHALL REMAIN HOPE FOREVER. No one wishes a change either in her nature or name." "Hope's earthly raiment, however, which has been somewhat spotted with occasional disappointment, and a little dimmed by earthly uncertainties, will now be laid aside, and she shall be arrayed with robes unsullied and of heavenly texture." This partial analysis of the book will give our readers some idea of its general character and design, and the manner of its execution. We have no acquaintance with the author, but believe him to be a Congregational minister. The volume, we presume, will have many readers. Some will criticise, others will admire.

A COMMENTARY, EXPOSITORY AND PRACTICAL, ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS, By ALEXANDER S. PATTERSON, Minister of Hutchesontown, Free Church, Glasgow, Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark. Through Smith and English, 36 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.


This appears to be an excellent commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. It is practical and didactic rather than critical, being suited to general readers. We hail every effort to expound the Scriptures. have great faith in expository preaching; and as these lectures were heard with edification by a large congregation, so the volume containing them, will be read with great satisfaction.

ANTIDOTE TO THE POISON OF POPERY, in the Writings and Conduct of Professors Nevin and Schaff, Professors in the German Reformed Church in the U. S. of America. In Three Parts. By J. J. JANEWAY, D.D. New Brunswick, N. J.: J. Terhune, 1856.

Dr. Janeway, with an industry and efficiency quite remarkable in advanced life, continues to expose the dangers of the recent innovations in

the theology of the German Reformed Church. A portion of the volume before us was originally published in pamphlet form. The additions made to the portion previously published, and the new matter in the Third Part, make a volume of nearly 350 pages. We are glad that this permanent form has been adopted, and that Dr. Janeway has revised the whole in a careful and complete manner. His book will enlighten the present and future generations in regard to the evils brought upon the German Reformed Church, through its Theological Professors. Obsta principiis is a safe maxim, and in this case well applied.

THE CHURCH AND HER ENEMIES or Practical Reflections on the Trials and Triumphs of God's Afflicted People. By WM S. PLUMER, D.D. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 118 Arch Street.

A large amount of valuable evangelical instruction is compressed within the limits of this small volume. The suffering people of God are led to the Oracles of sacred truth, to be taught in the designs and plans of their sorrows; and it is a matter of Christian experience, that Divine instruction and comfort go together. Dr. Plumer goes over much ground in a short space. His little work will edify all who read it.

REALITY or the Millionaire's Daughter. By MRS. L. C. TUTHILL. C. Scribner. New York, 1856.

Mrs. Tuthill is a lady of decided talent. She has written a good deal for the public; and several of her books have received a large circulation. "Reality" is intended "for young men and young women." We infer, from reading a few chapters, that there is much fiction in Reality. Mrs. Tuthill writes with ease, but has many superfluities of expression. Nor do we consider all her counsels discreet and wise. Her views of religious doctrine are of the Episcopal order, but we regret to find a caricature of the famous Article XVII. Mr. Hazlehill had just shot himself with a pistol, when his wife and daughter, hearing the noise, rushed into the room. Mrs. T. makes Mrs. Hazlehill, who was not much overcome with grief, say to her daughter, "You have not the consolation, child, that I have. I believe in predestination, and submit to this as a divine decree. I have long suffered under the conviction that he was a hardened sinner, given over to a reprobate mind, and now, like Judas, he has gone to his own place." The 17th Article has a "reality," whose true meaning fiction cannot interpret. There is much highly wrought narrative in these pages, and the moral lessons are intended to be good.

MEMOIR OF FRANCES E. H. M'LENNAN. With a Selection from her Letters, by her Cousin, R. M. HASKELL. New York: M. W. Dodd. 1856.

This is a refreshing biographical sketch of a sweet, young Christian, early called to a better world. The delineations of her character, from its early development in infancy to the period of her death, at the age of nineteen, are well drawn, and are very interesting. Such children are the joy of households, and testify the riches of redeeming grace.



Baxter said of John Mason, that "he was the glory of the Church of England." He died in 1694. He was a Calvinistic Episcopalian, whose praise is not of men, but of God. It was his habit to pray six times a day; twice in private, twice with his wife, and twice with his family. He His "Select Remains," issued in was a terse, spiritual, edifying writer. the fine, antique style, by the Jewett House, will be highly appreciated by the religious public. John Mason, the author of a treatise on "SelfKnowledge," was a man of another generation, who died in 1763. They were kindred spirits-the one a Conformist, the latter a Dissenter.

Che Religious World.


THE Religious Tract Society. Every returning year the members of its Committee have an increased number of interesting facts to relate in connection with this field of labour, which has been extended to Sebastopol, to Algiers, to Corsica, to Malta, to the Mauritius, to Canada; and even Italy, which, although nearer, is much more difficult of access for religious publications, has received a certain number of tracts. The number of tracts distributed in the course of the year surpasses all that has been done in that way in France hitherto it amounts to 1,157,000, which makes a total of 19,000,000 since the foundation of the Society. Two of its most eminent and revered members have been taken away this year, Messrs. Mark Wilks and Adolphe Monod. The assembly listened with much interest to an encouraging address from Mr. Gurney, who had been delegated for the purpose by the Religious Tract Society of London.

M. Guizot took the chair at the thirty-sixth anniversary of the Protestant Bible Society, of which he is President. It was known to the public, that the celebrated and illustrious writer was to pronounce a discourse; and, in consequence, long before the appointed hour, every seat was occupied, and a crowd surrounded the door of the chapel (Rédemption). Monsieur Guizot's admirable discourse has been published by the greater part of the organs of the press, and is regarded as a signal disavowal of an opinion expressed by M. Guizot in a recent publication, and which had been interpreted in a manner favourable to Roman Catholicism; this impression, however, can exist no longer. This Society has, in the course of the year, distributed 2500 Bibles, and 4000 New Testaments. The receipts reached 43,962f., and the expenses had amounted to 39,503f. The Society intends to publish a new pocket edition of the Bible in 12mo. It will cost 20,000f., for which a subscription has been opened.

The French Evangelical Society held its twenty-third anniversary in the Taitbout Chapel, Pastor Audebey in the chair. The Society employs thirteen pastors; a director and directress to the Normal School, in which it instructs and maintains twenty-six scholars; twelve evangelists; and

thirty-seven schoolmasters and mistresses,-making in all ninety persons. The stations of Sens, Auxerre, St. Denis, and Limoges are progressing; but Paris is the especial object of the efforts of the Society. Three new schools have been founded, and two others are in contemplation. A place of worship has been opened in the Faubourg St. Marcel. The evangelization of the Faubourg du Temple gives great encouragement; the schools are remarkably prosperous, being frequented by upwards of 400 children. The Sunday schools and evening classes are also greatly blessed. The work in the Faubourg St. Antoine is equally prosperous; Divine worship is well attended, and the schools number above 150 children. This number would be increased, without any doubt, to 500, if the size of the school-rooms permitted it; and the certitude of this has decided the Committee to enlarge them. The Society received during the year, 176,500 francs, and expended 152,728; but a debt of last year's, added to these expenses, leaves the Society with a debt this year of 16,000 francs.

The meeting of the Society of Evangelical Missions was held at the Oratoire. Count Jules Delaborde, who presided, announced to the assem bly, that Pastor Grandpierre, after having for the space of thirty years occupied the important office of Directeur des Missions, was compelled to retire from the exercise of his arduous duties. In grateful testimony to the untiring zeal, activity, and perseverance with which Pastor Grandpierre had fulfilled the important duties of his office, the committee had decided upon naming him Sous-Directeur of the field of labour in which his services had been so eminently useful. The Committee had had the satisfaction, the preceding year, of seeing the New Testament translated into Sessonto a language which, before the arrival of the French missionaries in the south of Africa, had not even an alphabet of its own. A normal and industrial school had been also formed in Southern Africa, destined to the training of schoolmasters and native catechists. The Mission-house in Paris is also to be re-opened when M. Cazalis arrives to take the direc tion of it, as he is to fill the place of Pastor Grandpierre. The Society possesses twelve stations, all of which are progressing most satisfactorily. At Morija, the number of baptisms since the commencement of the mission is 467. The station of Beersheba has sent 3000 francs to the Society, and has furnished 30,000 bricks for various constructions; and at Bethalie there are upwards of 300 converts. The expenses of the Society had amounted to 137,300 francs, and it has a balance in hand of 16,963 francs.

The fourth anniversary of the Sunday School Society was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Rue Royale. There are now twenty-five Sunday-schools in Paris and its environs. In the departments there are 380, of which 140 have been established during the past year. Copies of publications issued by the Society amount to 500,000. The receipts had amounted to 2182f., and the expenses to 1886f.

The French and Foreign Bible Society, reports the circulation during the year of 96,344 copies of the Scriptures, of which 10,233 were Bibles. The receipts had amounted to 73,623f., and the expenses to 98,454f. There remain, however, in the warehouse of the Society books to the value of 39,000f., and a sum of 20,000f. is promised by a sister Society. Mons. de Pressense related some interesting facts concerning the British and Foreign Bible Society, which employs in France 100 colporters, 90 of whom are converted Roman Catholics. In the course of the year they

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